Identifying Narcissists: Blink and You’ll Miss These 10 Subtle Signs

narcissistic personality disorder

How easy is it to recognize a narcissistic personality disorder in a person? Narcissism has become a big, buzzy word over the past couple of years. However, the signs you’re dealing with a narcissist can be quite subtle, especially at first. When you’re able to spot the signs, it can help you be better prepared […]

4 Reasons Why We Keep Electing Narcissists and Sociopaths

It isn’t common for narcissists and sociopaths to rule the world… If you believe that democracy has ceased to be what it should be, you’re not the only one. The reason for that isn’t politics, but personalitis: too many countries, including the US, have come under the sway of high-conflict people who have become politicians. […]

10 Foolproof Ways To Catch A Liar


Liars everywhere! Beware! If you suspect that someone is lying, how can you tell for sure? Can you look them straight in the eye and be sure that that person is not telling the truth? Trained experts like FBI agents or psychologists, for instance, can identify dishonesty in the blink of an eye, just by […]

9 Biggest Mistakes Most Women Make In Their Relationships


Men come from Mars and women come from Venus. This is real. No matter how much one gender tries to understand and convince the other one that they are right (or wrong) about something, the truth is men and women have different visions and approaches when it comes to relationships. Both men and women have […]

4 Types of Temperaments: Curious About Yours?


Were you ever curious about what temperaments are all about? When it comes to temperament, we have all used the term, but have you ever thought about what it means? Temperament is actually just one part of your personality, and while we use the word to describe someone’s way of being, the official definition is […]

9 Introvert-Friendly Life Lessons You Can Learn for Personal Growth

Introvert-Friendly Life Lesson

Transform your life with these introvert-friendly life lessons! Extroverts usually take center stage in business, politics, or even social gatherings. Meanwhile, introverts prefer to work behind the scenes and are highly misunderstood. In our society, they seem standoffish, aloof, or unfriendly. But, what most don’t realize is that introverts draw their energy from within rather […]

Always Do These 5 Things Once You Start Going to Therapy

things to do when you go to therapy

Here are the best things to do when you go to therapy! If you decide that you want to start this journey, then you need to know a few things to do when you go to therapy. First of all, deciding that you are ready to go to therapy is a big step, and it […]

8 Terrible Ways That Dating a Narcissist Changes You (and How You can Cope With It)

dating a narcissist changes you

See here how dating a narcissist changes you: According to research data, between 0.5% and 5% of people in the U.S. may have a narcissistic personality disorder. While these numbers are still small, more and more people talk on social media about how bad their experiences were regarding dating a narcissist. These kinds of relationships […]

9 Negotiation Skills to Get What You Want

negotiation skills

Let’s talk about negotiation skills! From agreeing to your start date to signing off on your retirement package, your negotiation skills can play a key part in your professional life. The ability to employ negotiation skills effectively can help you get the promotions and pay you want, settle differences with coworkers, and advocate for stuff […]

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