5 Best Way to Manage Holiday Blues

holiday blues

Suffering from holiday blues? Learn how to make things easier! Look everywhere when the holidays approach and all you can see is happiness and joy. This is why most people think that this is a time when you should be smiling all day long, but what happens when you simply don’t feel like it? Not […]

8 Essential Things Your Daughter-in-Law Wants You to Know

deal with a stubborn daughter-in-law, things your daughter-in-law wants you to know

Here’s the cold truth: there are some things your daughter-in-law wants you to know, but she might be too afraid to bring them up! Let’s be honest for a second: a relationship with your daughter-in-law can be a little tricky at times. I know you want the best for your child, and since their wedding […]

5 Adult Friendship Lies We ALL Believe

Adult Friendship Lie

Consider these adult friendship lies and misconceptions! When we have an issue with a family member, our significant other, or even a coworker, the first person we turn to is often a friend, right? These are the people who are there when we need words of encouragement, a listening ear, or advice. They help us […]

6 Partner Red Flags You Should Never Overlook

red flag

Have you ever noticed any partner red flags in your relationship? When it comes to relationships, we all expect things to be sincere, easy, and beautiful, and while we may believe that everything is perfect—at least on paper—sometimes, we miss the warning signs that could save us from heartache down the road. Unfortunately, certain behaviors […]

10 Dangerous Red Flags of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

dominance, emotionally abusive relationship

Are you in an emotionally abusive relationship? Being with someone you love is one of life’s greatest things. You have someone you can rely on, someone who will cherish, and count on you, someone you’ll team up with, and overall, an individual who will only improve your life. Unfortunately, being in an emotionally abusive relationship […]

Not Tonight? 6 Psychological Reasons Men Say No to Intimacy

men say no to intimacy

There are many reasons why men say no to intimacy! Something tells me you wish you didn’t have to search for this topic, but life happens and sometimes you find yourself on a dry spell. S*x is normal, especially in a long-lasting relationship. It’s as important as having things in common, supporting one another, communicating […]

What It’s Like Having Bipolar Disorder According to Celebrities

Bipolar Disorder

Is Bipolar Disorder a Hidden Struggle for Hollywood Stars? Did you know that Bipolar disorder affects an estimated 2.8 percent of US adults? Considering that this mental health condition is still very stigmatized, a lot of celebrities choose to speak about their experiences. It’s not easy to be vulnerable in front of the world, which […]

10 Warning Signs You Have ADHD as an Adult

you have ADHD

How can you tell if you have ADHD? Read on what doctors have to say about this condition.  Our modern life has changed so much in the past years, and everything is happening at a faster pace…it’s so overwhelming! And adults can say they agree with this. Balance is the key, they say, but what […]

Why Am I So Emotional? 5 Common Triggers You Might Not Recognize


Are you feeling emotional? This happened again; the smallest inconvenience threw you into a spiral of thoughts. This is not uncommon, and most of the time it happens when you are very emotional. But what people don’t understand is why they become emotional. A very natural human experience makes our lives harder because we can’t […]

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