Keep their photos around.
Yes, it may seem like this is a simple thing and something a lot of us have thought about. Or it could be that we never even considered taking pictures of our loved ones from our homes. But for some people, keeping these photos around is not something they like to do because they make them uncomfortable or may be too painful for them.
It is a good way to connect with your deceased loved one, as having their photos around will serve as a good way to remember the good times with them, rather than letting their memory turn sour and only reminding you of the fact that they are no longer around. Slowly, by having their picture around, you will not only be connected with your deceased loved one, but it will also remind you of their love.
Keeping their pictures around will help you keep your connection with them and even make it stronger, as you will be able to think about their memory and the lovely time you spent with them!
5 Responses
Yes I have connected to deceased.
Your article was so spot on. I found everything you mentioned to be so comforting in dealing with my husband’s death. We met when I was only fourteen and married after college. The grief was so overwhelming I just wanted to die myself. But what helped me the most was I kept his urn at home. It made all the difference in helping me move forward. I asked him on his death bed if I could cremate him and take him with me wherever I go. He could not see or talk but he squeezed my hand in approval. I was inconsolable for so long and today I feel so thankful that we had all those years together. Grief is a journey to gratitude. I feel totally connected to my husband still and thoughts of him make me smile now! You never really lose a loved one, they are still with you always!!
Yes I have and I have been Validated by my Spiritual Advisor. I’ve heard from my Daughter on numerous occasions. My Spiritualist saved my life along with Spirit, Father God and Mother God Azna. It will be 13 aching years this April that my Sami crossed over . She connects with me with Yellow Butterflies and Yellow Flowers. 💛
I want to know more about connecting with a love one. mama died in 1994, I ALMOST DID NOT MAKE IT. if it had not been far my 15 year old son , i would have just died. i wanted to . she has been dead 30 years, i cannot get over it. my son is 45now, has 3 of the most beatiful , sweet children i have ever seen., I HAVE A GOOD HUSBAND, but i still cry in private, because i want my mama. sometimes i fill like, she is in the house with me, when i am alone.my husband thinks that is just crazy. pleaseshare something with me that i can talk to mama again.
I lost my mom dec 2017 and have dreamed nearly every night since about her. I want my mom so badly I feel like I can’t go on sometimes. I am seriously disabled so lived with her a good part of my life. She was with me when both my kids were born, she helped raise them. I told her everything. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her and completely lost it when I did. Not a single day goes by I don’t think about wanting her here. I wish I knew of a way to handle this too.