8. Manipulative tendencies
Another way to spot a sociopath would be to look for manipulative tactics in their behavior. This may include a pattern of guilting, lying, or coercing others into doing things for them. Sociopathic people use emotional manipulation, their charm, and their powers of persuasion to control the choices and actions of other people, often for their own self-serving interests.
When a sociopath is trying to win someone over, especially a potential romantic partner, they may use a strategy known as love bombing, which basically means they try to be overly kind in order to get what they want.
In other words, if someone’s kindness feels “off”, or if their attention seems to be “too much”, listen to your gut.
If you liked our article on ways to spot a sociopath, you may also want to read 12 Untrustworthy Behavior Traits You Should Look Out For.