8 of the Most Unusual Phobias You Have Likely Never Heard Of

Photo by Bits And Splits from Shutterstock

2. Gerascophobia

The fear of aging or growing up, officially known as gerascophobia, also makes the list of the most unusual phobias. It can lead to chronic emotional distress and potentially dangerous behaviors, such as food restriction and other attempts to prevent the body from maturing.

According to one case report described by experts, a 14-year-old boy with gerascophobia restricted his food intake to stay away from the nutrients necessary for growth, spoke in a softer, higher-pitched voice to sound younger, and walked with a hunched posture to disguise his height.

In the teenager’s case, other symptoms of the condition included experiencing depression, distress, and extreme anxiety as signs of aging. Those symptoms were also accompanied by a severe fear of adult responsibilities, including taking on financial obligations, becoming independent, and finding a partner.

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