8 of the Most Unusual Phobias You Have Likely Never Heard Of

Photo by Piti Tangchawalit from Shutterstock

4. Ambulophobia

Going forward with our list of the most unusual phobias, we have the next example: ambulophobia. It involves a fear of walking and is a condition that can lead to serious impairments in a person’s ability to function.

This intense fear of walking tends to be much more common in older people than in kids and younger people. This is due to risk factors such as osteoporosis, joint issues, dizziness, side effects of medications, balance problems, and visual impairments that can increase the odds of serious falls and injuries.

In one study of 379 adults in long-term care facilities, experts found that about 30% had symptoms of ambulophobia. Among these individuals, women and those over 70 were most likely to experience them.

Certain conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, depression, postural hypotension, and a history of falling, were all found to increase the chance of developing ambulophobia.

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