If you think building wealth is only about strategies and luck, let’s change our perspective and remind ourselves that it’s deeply rooted in psychology.
The way we think about our own potential, money, and success plays the biggest role in determining whether we can achieve financial freedom. Steve Siebold, the author of “How Rich People Think,” spent over three decades studying people who are self-made millionaires, and he managed to show that their mindset in approaching life and business is the one that sets them apart. The key difference often boils down to the way they think.

Here’s a look at the mental shifts and psychological traits that drive wealthy people towards success:
1. They believe there is always money around, even when they don’t have enough.
Wealthy people are not afraid to tap into other resources to fund their future. When they have a brilliant idea but they don’t have the finances themselves, they know that other people can make it happen for them. Siebols explains how being short on money is never an issue for them.
The real deal question is if their idea is worth investing in. The wealthy know there’s always money to be found if the answer is yes, and they are always on for smart investments and high performers to turn their trust into profit.
2. They see making money as a game.
Business, life, and earnings are part of a game for wealthy people, and they are set to win. Siebold observed that this is why millionaires show up every day chasing their next big move for success. Money is a scoreboard tracking their last achievement to them.
The thrill of playing the game drives them to aim higher, which is even more powerful. They work even harder the more excited they get, finding more success.
3. They set their expectations sky-high.
Most people keep their financial expectations low because they want to avoid disappointment. Wealthy people, on the other side, aim high, pushing themselves to new heights.
Siebold explains that no one gets rich and lives the life of their dreams without setting huge expectations first. It’s all ancient wisdom that teaches us that you get what you expect. However, many individuals limit their potential to stay away from failure.
Rich people set ambitious goals as just the beginning. As Siebold says, champions don’t wait for things to happen; they make things happen.
4. Treating money as a friend
For wealthy people, money is their greatest ally. They see money as a friend that can ease sleepless nights, that can relieve stress, and even save their lives.
The rich see money as a powerful tool that can solve problems and bring peace of mind, while the middle class views it as a necessary evil that they actually have to endure. See what a huge difference in perception.
5. They block out fear.
The wealthy operate at a level of consciousness where fear doesn’t exist for them. When you adopt this mindset, everything works out, and what feels impossible for others appears surprisingly achievable.
If you want to reach this level, you have to be willing to embrace discomfort, as this is something that the wealthiest people do with no hesitation. The world-class know that becoming a millionaire is not easy, and craving the comfort of doing things with ease can be their downfall. This is why they learn to thrive in a state of constant uncertainty.
6. They see getting rich as something natural.
Success, fulfillment, and happiness are part of the natural order of life for wealthy people. This is a belief that drives them to act in different and maybe unexpected ways, all to guarantee their success.
The middle class, on the other hand, often struggles because they don’t have the same belief of being worthy of great wealth. With the question “Who am I to become a millionaire?” they are on the other pole from the millionaires who ask themselves, “Why not me?”
According to Siebold, this mindset is part of the attitude that drives them to success.

7. They surround themselves with other successful people.
Rich people managed to see that success is contagious. It became easy for them to build relationships with people who are high achievers, who challenge, inspire, and push them forward.
Successful people think big; they understand how their environment influences their mindset, while middle-class people have the tendency to be surrounded by people who reinforce the same limiting beliefs.
If you want to think as the wealthy do, seek out individuals who encourage growth, not people who keep you stuck.
Here is where you can find Steve Siebold’s book, “How Rich People Think”.
8. They act before they feel ready.
Millionaires are not people who wait for perfect conditions. They move forward and trust they will figure things out along the way.
Middle-class people often wait for the right time or for the right opportunity. Some of them may even wait to develop the right skills before they take action. Rich people know that waiting is an illusion; this is why they take action first and start to adjust as they go.
Success comes when you learn by doing, not by waiting until you feel prepared.
9. They find comfort in being uncomfortable.
Rich people learned to embrace uncertainty and risk. They know this is where the biggest rewards are found. While most people crave security and are scared of the unknown, the wealthy trained themselves to thrive in discomfort. Stepping outside their comfort zone is the way they grow and this is how wealth happens.
They see uncertainty as an opportunity rather than a threat.

10. They think about the long game.
Middle-class people are too used to and focused on short-term pleasures, while the wealthy think decades ahead. They don’t get caught up in instant gratification, investing in assets, business, and ideas able to pay off over time.
They make decisions with the future in mind, whether is investing in stocks, real estate,e or a long-term business venture. They recognize that wealth is built over time, not overnight.
11. They tell themselves they deserve to be rich.
Not only do they think being rich is natural, but they also believe it’s their right. Wealthy people understand that in a capitalist society, they have all the right to be rich as long as they are willing to create massive value for others.
Thinkers from the middle class, in contrast, often see wealth reserved for a lucky few. Such a difference in mindset leads incredible masses to play the lottery while the world-class focus is on work. What the wealthy know is that improving the lives of others gives you the right to be rich.
12. They see failure as a learning experience.
Wealthy people don’t see failure as a stop sign. It’s nothing more than their feedback. Middle-class thinkers often fear failure and this is why they avoid risks. World-class thinkers embrace failure as the necessary step towards success. That’s why every setback teaches them something and they turn it into comebacks, only bringing them closer to their goals. They analyze what went wrong, adjust, and try again, instead of giving up.
13. Wealthy people are decisive and take responsibility.
As millionaires don’t wait for luck, they take full ownership of their success. The middle class is full of people with hesitations, overthinkers, and, generally, people who second-guess their decisions. The wealthy not only make decisions quickly, but they also do it with confidence, knowing that action leads to results.
They know something important: that success is not something that’s handed to you, but something you create through bold choices and personal responsibility.
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