9 Ways to Stay Calm During Election Season

Stay calm during election season by following these steps:

With whom am I going to vote? This is probably a question asked so many times in the past months, and now more than ever, every news page is writing about the big election day. Everybody has an opinion about it; some might even argue, which leads to an extremely stressful and overwhelming atmosphere.

How can you avoid burnout, cynicism, resentment, and hate from other people’s viewpoints while remaining informed and inspired to stand up for improving the world by voting? We talked to a psychologist about this situation, and here’s what she said and how you can stay calm during election season.

stay calm during the election
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Stay mindful

One effective method to stay calm during election season is to stop and gather your thoughts before you engage in a discussion about your favorite candidate. Be mindful that not everyone agrees with you, and you may meet people who can be quite harsh regarding politics.

Focus on your goal. You won’t change their mind, so it’s absolutely pointless to ruin your peace of mind and engage in a debate like this. Recognize and validate the other person’s and your fears, anxieties, and anger. If you feel that your rights have been invaded or that your chances of a prosperous future are being lowered, it can be frightening. When you see what you believe to be unfairness and injustice, it’s normal to feel angry.

But in the end, each person decides for themselves, and after all, the vote is still confidential.

Always focus on what you can control

Psychologists advise us that another way to stay calm during election season is by acknowledging the fact that you can’t control certain things no matter what. You have complete control over your emotions and reactions, for instance, so it’s important to concentrate on those things. You have the power to decide how you react to outside events, such as media coverage and political debate.

As we previously mentioned, take a moment to think things through before acting impulsively or letting bad feelings control your actions. This exercise enables you to react correctly, whether that means having productive discussions or withdrawing when things get heated and affect your mental health.

Try and be a good citizen; go and vote if you are eligible, and encourage others to do the same no matter what candidate they’re rooting for.

Separate people from their viewpoints

If you want to stay calm during election season and still keep good relationships with people around you, it’s very important to separate people from their political viewpoints, no matter how hard it is.

This is particularly true when it comes to friends and family. Remind yourself, that you can still love someone without agreeing with them or even understanding why they think the way they do, as soon as you find yourself feeling angry with one of them.

There is so much more to our relationship than just our political beliefs. Recall an instance in your life where you once held a particular opinion or believed something, but you later changed your mind. This will help you develop empathy.

Beware of disinformation

With so many websites that are purely clickbait and ready to spread fake news all over, it can be pretty overwhelming to find the best source for information regarding elections. Selecting trustworthy news sources and a range of viewpoints will help you stay informed without falling victim to extreme reporting or false information. This intentional choice fosters a balanced understanding of the political landscape, supports the development of well-rounded opinions, and helps you stay calm during election season.

…Yet, stay curious!

Being curious is still important, although news channels and social media can be extremely strange and biased. Learn enough about both candidates to help you decide which one to support.
The same is true for new acquaintances who disagree with you on political issues. Try to ask yourself, “What can I learn from this person even if I don’t agree with them?” rather than jumping to conclusions and being mean to them.

Photo by Krakenimages.com from Shutterstock

Set healthy boundaries

One of the greatest challenges of today’s world is the tendency to rely too much on our phones. But if you want to stay calm during election season and avoid unnecessary stress it is mandatory to limit your exposure to political news and social media to 30 or 45 minutes per day.

Take breaks from politics, both mentally and verbally, and try to redirect your focus to other pleasant matters. For instance, ask a friend how your day went or watch a movie to relax. Anything that allows you to detach and avoid meaningless and tense discussions.

Do you feel like this stressful period is getting to you? Your secret weapon for unwinding, calming your mind, and relaxing may be a few yoga poses. And what better way to accomplish that than by spending money on a sturdy, superior yoga mat? The good news is that it can accomplish its intended function without spending a lot of money. There are a few on Amazon, but this yoga mat from Fitvids is only $14.99, comes in seven different colors, is non-slip, and is easy to clean.

Manage your expectations

During important events like the approaching presidential election, controlling expectations is essential in boosting our general mental health. Setting strict or unrealistic expectations for political outcomes or candidate performances can cause stress and anxiety when things don’t work out the way we had hoped.

The best way to do that and stay calm during election season is by setting realistic goals. Instead of waiting for the perfect candidate to save our country and economy overnight, focus on concentrating on managing your expectations. Regardless of who is elected as the new president of the United States, it is certain that it will take time to restore order. All you can do is be a good and responsible citizen and go vote without creating a fuss over it.

Remember to always be polite

It may sound weird, but in the long run, it’s very important to never be rude or aggressive towards other people who don’t share your opinion on the candidates. Don’t be disrespectful, and don’t call names!

Self-compassion must be among your priorities

We can better manage our emotions and develop strength when we are kind to ourselves during setbacks, like when our favorite candidate loses the “battle.” It’s totally okay to feel disappointed sometimes, especially during election season! Once we understand that, we can move forward with a lighter heart, free from guilt or self-judgment. Let’s embrace those feelings and keep going!

Take away:

Remember that while this election season can be filled with a lot of disputes, bad energy, and negativity, it is crucial to remember to also stay calm during it. By focusing on the things we can control, such as our responses, level of involvement, and reliable information sources, we empower ourselves in the face of uncertainty.

Keeping a positive attitude while remaining conscious of difficulties also enables us to approach challenging conversations with empathy and fortitude. The election will pass, and it would be a pity if you lose friends over nonsense disputes!

How do you manage to stay calm during election season? Tell us in the comments.

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