These 7 Body Language Secrets Make You More Attractive

body language
Photo by Phovoir from

2. Eye contact

Making direct eye contact with the person you’re speaking to gives off an impression of self-assurance and friendliness, which is exactly what you want if you’re willing to appear more attractive.

However, body language experts advise against staring someone down too much, saying that doing so might come across as frightening and you sure don’t want to be perceived as intimating. Just think about it for a second: when someone stares at you too much, the whole situation can seem a bit uncomfortable and irritating, which definitely makes staring a big NO-NO.

You could, for example, spend one second focusing on their eyes, another on their nose, and another on their lips. Keep in mind that it shows extreme disrespect to glance at your watch, phone, or anywhere else in the room when talking to someone.

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