5. Devious or deceptive tendencies
Another way to spot a sociopath is to look for dishonesty. This obviously doesn’t mean that someone who lies a lot automatically has an antisocial personality disorder. However, sociopathic people tend to do that, so you may want to pay attention to any signs of dishonesty.
A sociopath has no real sense of self, so they aim to maintain the impression that they create. They are already wearing a mask, and dishonesty is a second mask on top of that.
This means that when they tell a lie, they may sound like a caricature of someone who is honest rather than a genuinely honest person. For instance, a sociopath may sound like a broken record and repeat phrases that are absolutes, such as “I promise I never did that” or “I am 100% not guilty”.
To spot a sociopath, pay attention to how the person talks when they want something from someone. A sociopath often exaggerates, misrepresents the truth, or distorts the facts in order to get what they want.
When confronted about their dishonesty or caught in a lie, they will use denial or redirection to squirm out of accountability.
Keep reading to discover other ways to spot a sociopath!