10 Signs Your Child Is a Brat and How to Deal With It


As parents, we tend to neglect our children’s bratty behavior because they can be so adorable, therefore, we might find it very hard to discipline them. And yes, even the most angelic kids can sometimes act like a brat. For us, parents, it can be very challenging to handle this type of behavior, since raising […]

23 Things American Parents Usually Do and the Rest of the World Doesn’t

Growing up in the United States definitely comes with a lot of fun, but we tend to assume that just because we were raised a certain way, everyone else had the same childhood experiences. However, the way we raise our children in America is very different from the way Europeans raise their children. But did […]

What Your Daughter-in-Law Wants You to Know


When you’re saying ‘YES’ to the big question, you’re not only saying it to your partner, but also to their family and friends. Therefore, it’s important to have a healthy relationship with the closest people in your significant other’s life. These people can help you build a strong relationship with your partner, but they can […]

Why Your In-Laws Are Driving You Crazy

As some would say, you either love or hate your in-laws, there’s no in-between. But is it really true? What are your in-laws doing to make you resent them? Maybe they’re too meddling and like to interfere in your life, maybe they’re judging the way you raise their grandchildren or criticize all your moves. We’ve […]

Your In-Laws Might Cause You These 9 Common Troubles

You have to consider your in-laws too when you are getting married! When you decide to marry your significant other, you’re not only marrying him/her but also their family, and by that we mean the in-laws. If it wasn’t challenging enough to adjust to the new married life, you also need to maintain a good […]

5 Ways to Work From Home and Stop Kids From Interrupting You


Have you ever wondered if there’s a way to do work more efficiently? One of the advantages of working in an office is that you are all adults (at least when it comes to age) sharing a common space and following office rules. You might have the occasional cigarette breaks and chats about weekend plans […]

Headed Towards a Divorce? Here Are 14 Surprising Factors That Increase Your Risk


Could you be heading toward a divorce? Let’s look at the signs! The reasons people get a divorce are rather clear: different life goals, different financial goals, never-ending arguments, or too many extra hours, allegedly spent at work, to name just a few. But there are also certain things that might serve as a warning […]

60 Things Grandparents Should Never Do

Grandparents can be a lifesaver. They can improve discipline strategies, give wise advice to new parents who find themselves in over their heads, and offer babysitting services on those rare — and highly valued — date nights. Yet even the most attentive grandparents can still screw up from time to time through a variety of parenting methods, […]