8 of the Most Unusual Phobias You Have Likely Never Heard Of

most unusual phobias

Which are the most unusual phobias that exist? Phobias can range from the common—such as fear of flying, heights, public speaking, or spiders—to the rare—such as fear of mirrors, walking, or chickens. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, specific phobias affect around 12.5% of Americans at some point in their lives. A specific […]

How to Spot a Sociopath: 8 Signs That Confirm the Disorder

spot a sociopath, mind games

Can you spot a sociopath? A sociopath is a term to describe someone with a severe form of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Sociopaths don’t have a fully functional conscience and tend to be exploitative, manipulative, or even abusive towards other people. While the terms sociopath and psychopath are sometimes used interchangeably, many psychologists argue that […]

8 Things Emotionally Intelligent People NEVER Do

emotionally intelligent people

We’ve all heard how a high IQ can help you traverse adversity and excel in life. But what most discussions about intelligence and success seem to often leave out is the important role of one other thing, and that is emotional intelligence. According to psychologists, emotionally intelligent people have a natural ability to recognize, manage, […]

Gut Feelings: Are They Reliable? And Here Are 5 You Should NEVER Ignore

Gut Feeling

We all get gut feelings sometimes…Should we ignore them? Have you ever gotten a strong feeling that strikes you in the pit of your stomach? You might be driving down a road, and suddenly, you get a gut feeling that you should turn left…And POW, you just missed a truck coming your way! Your gut […]

Uncomfortable Similarities: 5 Ways Putin Can Be Compared With Hitler


The similarities between Putin and Hitler are frightening… and the world is watching! As Ukraine enters another day of the war with Russia, the spotlight has been placed on Vladimir Putin’s mental state. Many experts maintain that the Russian leader acts on the psychological traits he’s had his entire life. Hopefully, history will not repeat […]

6 Smart Tips on Adjusting to Living Alone as a Senior

Living Alone

Are you worried about living alone as a senior? Growing old and living alone is one of the new dilemmas many Americans face today. More and more people seem to be living alone for several reasons. One could be that almost half of the adults in our country are single. Another is that people wait […]

8 Times You Should Say ‘NO’ for a Better Life


“Why does it seem so hard to say “NO”? ”  If you are a naturally positive person who likes being nice to others, you may say “yes” a lot of times, even if you don’t really mean it or want to do that thing. And because of that, sometimes you feel overwhelmed and like you […]

10 Signs Someone Secretly Has Feelings For You

someone, relationship

If we could live in a perfect world, we wouldn’t be scared or ashamed to express how we’re feeling. We would know for sure how to tell someone that we love them, without having feelings that are hitting us at the speed of light at once. Unfortunately, we live in the real world, which is […]

6 Of Hollywood’s Most Famous Love Triangles


We all know this already: dating is hard. We’ve been through it, we have experienced it and now we can honestly say that it is not the easiest thing to do. However, when it comes to famous people from Hollywood, things get even more complicated. That is because you are in the spotlight all the […]