10 Tips on How to Avoid Awkward Silence on the First Date

First dates can be tricky. You probably don’t know the other person so you might have to work a little extra on keeping the conversation going. For some people, communication comes naturally, while others find it harder to open up. It’s very important to remember that first dates are for getting to know the other […]
9 Romantic Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day at Home

Holidays and celebrations have looked a whole lot different since the coronavirus pandemic emerged in the United States last year. Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any other celebration you can think of hasn’t been the same since COVID. With COVID still going strong in the United States, Valentine’s Day will make no […]
8 Ways to Attract New People, According to Experts

Meeting new people used to be very simple when you were a child. You just needed to pop the “Do you want to be my friend?” question. In your teenage years, you probably had more friends than you could count. Back then, friendships were as easily made as they were forgotten. But as the years […]
The Most Absurd Dating Tips from the 1930s

These outdated dating tips are bound to make you chuckle! You might assume that life back then was simpler, and maybe it was in some way. However, one thing stayed the same over time, and that’s the complicated dating life. In this day and age, we blame it on advanced technology and social media platforms, […]
Empty Nest: 24 Surprising Things No One Tells You About It

Did you think about how you will cope with having an empty nest? Parents adore their children, despite all their screaming, tantrums, and slamming doors. However, every now and then, they dream of the day their youngest finally moves out, leaving them with more funds for vacations, more free time, and a newfound peace they […]
15 Signs You’re In A One-Sided Friendship

Maybe not all your friendships are as good as they seem to be… Friendships are essential for your mental health and well-being, but building and maintaining one over time is not easy. While good friends are good for your health, bad friends can feel exactly like toxic relationships. Friendships are important at any age, but […]
18 Big Online Dating Habits You Need to Get Rid of By Age 40

Are you thinking of joining the online dating game? Some may hate it, some may love it. The truth is dating trends have changed and online dating is part of modern culture and will not go away anytime soon. If not, it will have an even more prevalent role in shaping the nature of human […]
5 Ways to Talk to Your Friends About Money Issues During Hard Times

Do you or your friends have money issues? The coronavirus pandemic has taken our social lives away from us, killed our own people, and left millions of us without our jobs all across the globe. 2020 has definitely been a very hard year for most of us, and things don’t seem to look any brighter […]
Feeling Lonely: 5 Best Things To Say To Someone Experiencing This

Do you know someone who is feeling way too lonely? Being alone can be very hard sometimes, especially when you’ve been alone for quite some time, or when you just got out of a relationship and it’s hard adjusting to your new life. The holidays and the end of the year are harsh times for […]