6 Facial Expressions That Mean Somebody’s Lying

pursed lips
Photo by michaelheim from Shutterstock

3. Pursed or dry lips

Next on our list of signs of lying is the mouth, which can also give away a lie. However, it’s important to note that different people will display different signs of lying.

According to experts, this has to do with the fact that not telling the truth triggers your body’s automatic nervous system. This can result in dryness in the mouth, which may cause a liar to bite or lick their lips to compensate for the lack of moisture. Moreover, if their mouth is both dry and tight, this is a pretty strong indicator that you’re dealing with someone sketchy.

A liar’s mouth tends to get tight when they try to control what they are about to say with their lips slightly curled downward and pursed together. The automatic reaction is to suppress the truth by keeping the mouth closed.

Sameera Sullivan, a matchmaker and relationship expert, points out that pursed lips can also indicate the person wants to avoid the topic of conversation altogether. She explains it’s a reflexive instinct, which usually indicates the person in front of you doesn’t want to speak. Signs of lying also include when someone rolls their lips back until you can’t see them.

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One Response

  1. Also, when someone lies, unless the person is a psychopath, the pupils in their eyes will get smaller, after they get accustomed to the light. That just takes a minute or so.

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