11 Common Pieces of Advice That Are Actually Bad

Photo by fizkes From Shutterstock

7. “Don’t worry about what other people think about you”

Certainly, you shouldn’t focus too much on what other people think of you in the grand scheme of things. If you love yourself, the rest shouldn’t really matter. However, you should be receptive to criticism, counsel, and suggestions from others on how to develop professionally or personally. You should consider what other individuals may think in certain situations.

Focus on your own journey, but also remember to be a little bit more open-minded!

8. “If you’re sad, stop being sad”

Sadness doesn’t have a stop button! Everyone experiences sadness from time to time, just as everyone experiences joy, rage, pride, and a wide range of other emotions. In other words, feeling down need not indicate that you cannot handle a situation. In actuality, it aids in your acceptance of the circumstance and aids in your ability to go on.

There are plenty of ways to manage your sadness, but if you can’t do it on your own, ask for professional advice. A therapist can help you understand the root of your issues and come up with viable solutions.

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