The Bottom Line
Remember that none of these signs about body language on their own will give you an idea of the whole picture. Someone straightening their shirt could be doing just that.
And while a person wringing their hands, their head down, and tapping their foot could be nervous, they can also be tapping their foot about a song they’re singing. So you have to take all these signs into consideration and use them to assess how you think a person may be feeling.
Everything about unconscious body language occurs within a context, so keep that in mind. Also, remember that these signs can be universal, or they can be distinctive and individual. Some people simply love drumming their fingers or tapping their feet.
The easiest way to spot the signs of someone’s body language is to focus on comfort and stress. When people are stressed out, it tends to show. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for individual behaviors.
And when you put them all together, you’ll be able to form a complete picture in your mind of the people you come in contact with. Practice doing it often, and it will become second nature before long. This will be the moment when you’re capable of reading anyone like a book!
For more on body language and what you should look for, we recommend checking out THIS fascinating read on Amazon!
Please feel free to let us know in the comment section about your own experiences with body language and how it has affected you! And if you found this article intriguing, we think you might also like: Gut Feelings: Are They Reliable? And Here Are 5 You Should NEVER Ignore