Refrain from telling the world about your arguments
You should NEVER post your lover’s quarrels publicly! Not only will it invite people who aren’t involved in the argument to weigh in, but it can be awkward for both of you, and it’s just another perfect example of social media relationship pitfalls.
Never put your partner down on social media or talk about a conflict that the two of you had or are in the middle of. When that dispute is over, you might seriously regret saying anything because now everyone will have negative feelings about your significant other.
Keeping arguments amongst yourselves and learning to work through them is far better than airing out your dirty laundry in public. After all, your family and friends will take your side, and you might be painting an unfair picture of your spouse.
Once the fight concludes, you’ll be much happier that it stays between the two of you, and you’ll have avoided this social media relationship pitfall.