10 Unusual Things Your Neighbor Is Hiding From You

neighbor is hiding from you
Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

5. They collected your correspondence by mistake and destroyed it

Why do you think people are installing doorbell cameras? To see where and if somebody is messing with their doorstep…and correspondence. There’s a possibility that your mail will occasionally get to your neighbor’s house. What if that does occur?

In most cases, they won’t want to bring it to you (unless you’re close friends), so your stuff might end up in the trash. But will they ever admit they did this? Well, this is another thing your neighbor is hiding from you, and you’ll never find the truth.

…psst! Check out Amazon’s deal if you’re looking for a super-high-tech camera for your doorbell. You’ll be aware of what’s going on in front of your door and who is taking your newspaper if you do this!

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