What IS A Nervous Breakdown?
A nervous breakdown can also be referred to as a mental breakdown and is a term that expresses a time of extreme emotional or mental stress. This feeling is so great that the person isn’t capable of performing ordinary day-to-day activities.
The term isn’t a clinical one. And it isn’t a mental health disorder, either. But that doesn’t imply that a nervous breakdown is a healthy way to relieve stress. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Sometimes, it can indicate an underlying issue like anxiety or depression.
There isn’t just one particular cause of a nervous breakdown. Anything leading to excessive pressure put on you can trigger it.
Generally speaking, feeling stressed out and not being able to cope with it might lead to you feeling so overwhelmed that you can’t perform your daily duties. Some factors that could trigger a nervous breakdown are:
- A sudden tragedy
- Anxiety
- A major life change
- Financial problems
- Lack Of Sleep
- Burnout
- Depression
- Abuse
Experiencing a bit of stress is a normal part of our lives. However, when the feelings become too overwhelming, they can contribute to you breaking down mentally.
While they can be scary and debilitating, there are ways to cope with them. Identifying the signs, taking action, and getting the right treatment can help.
…Now, let’s identify the signs!
15 Responses
Good definitions of the topic and plans of treatment to consider.
Excellent article re stress and symptoms of a nervous breakdown
Great Article! I enjoyed reading this. Great information
I had a peace order against me from my ex therapist after 10 years and it is affecting me in every way please answer me
This artical was very helpful. I constantly feel right at the edge. I been diagnosed with anxiety/depression disorder & PTSD. I have both a psychiatrist & therapist. I’m on multible medications prescribed by me psychiatrist. But recently feeling completely on the edge.
I’m not sure how I found myself reading your response, but I wanted to mention some thing… I have been going to see a therapist in on medication for years last September I found purely by accident an article that stated that they were doing studies on Cymbalta I had been on it for 10 +years. Apparently has something called Otto toxins in it. Not sure if I’ve got that spelled properly apparently they poison your brain. I have been off of it since November, my memory has returned. I no longer have issues with my eyes swollen shut, and feeling like they’ve been scolded with hot water and there are other things also, my point is, please read carefully the side effects of the medication’s. They have you on and work on handling situation so that you were not on the medication for long periods of time because it could be causing the problem that you are having or several problems when I started losing my memory, I was told that it was just because I had so much on my plate , no one even considered that it could be the medication. I wish you the best.
I’m a nurse and just learned something from you about Cymbalta! Besides my mom passing before the holidays my memory has not been great. I’ve been on Cymbalta for many years now. Maybe it’s time for a change. Ty!
Yes, I was on Cymbalta…it was bad. Off now. taking Wellbutrin, which helps some. along with Trazadone.
I feel a lot of these ways, and would like help.
This article gave me some very helpful information. I have been edgy and snapping at everyone, including my loved pets. Cotton balls could set me off.
I do try to relieve stress but for me unfortunately will be there til the day I die. (My husband, is a big trigger
I had most of these symptoms recurring for years. I say recurring because medication and therapy helped for awhile, then a new medication would work for a while until the cycle repeated over and over. I thought I was doomed to lifelong suffering. I learned about TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation, which turned my depressive episodes around. It’s been nothing short of miraculous. It’s rarely mentioned as an option in these types of articles but it should be. I recommend everyone who suffers repeated episodes of depression to ask their doctors about it
Good to know! Thank you for posting this!
Excellent 👌👍
What if you already had a nervous break…I’ve tried and tried to dig myself out and I just can’t find the desire to do anything. I don’t go anywhere, I don’t socialize with other people. I cry over everything and get mad so easy. So if anybody out there would know what I should do, by all means please don’t hesitate.
Diagnosis is a good idea and then God can cure