Mood swings
Some of the symptoms that you might experience include depression and irritability, and this goes even further if you have limited access to medications. Also, you might discover that you’re no longer craving those meds just for physical pain relief but also for emotional relief.
In fact, you’ll start thinking about how good you feel when you don’t feel pain anymore, and that’s the feeling that will get you hooked. Without even realizing it, even your mindset is changing a little bit, as you will soon find yourself excited for the next time you take the pills.
You’re not only excited but also eager. Your thoughts start gearing towards euphoria, which is what you’ll feel when you take them. When you reach this point, your friends and family will probably notice, even if you’ll likely dismiss it, just as you dismissed your doctor’s question about whether or not you’ve “lost” the meds for the second or third time.
At this point, you might want to consider cutting down on the usage, but here’s the thing: it might be a bit difficult to do so, which could lead to another drug-seeking behavior.