Could You Have Depression or Schizophrenia? Learn The Signs HERE

Nervous Breakdown depression
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Why do people who suffer from schizophrenia also suffer from depression?

Here are some of the reasons why people who suffer from schizophrenia are also depressed. First things first, some negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia could mimic or overlap with other depressive symptoms. Some of these might include the inability to feel any kind of pleasure, absolutely no willpower or wish to act in a decisive manner, a lack of speech, no verbal fluency or motivation, and an overall social withdrawal.

At times, depressive symptoms could be the result of various other factors. By that, I mean that depression might also come as a side effect of other antipsychotic medications, substance use, or even the reaction to the consequences of such a terrible disorder. Another cause might be that a person suffers from schizoaffective disorder.

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