5 Best Ways to Attract Good People in Your Life

There are ways to have good people in your life! Start attracting them today!

A lot of people want to live their lives happily, and for that they try to better themselves. However, they forget they also need good people around them in order to succeed in this regard too!

Think about it like this: you may work on yourself to build yourself up, learn how to interact with people and better your relationships, and even overcome any trauma that may be simmering under the surface. However, you need more in order to have a great quality of life!

And this boils down to the other people who are around you. A happy, fulfilled, and healthy life is inclined toward surrounding yourself with good people, the right kind of souls, and building rapport with them.

These people are hoping to be able to be there for you when you need them, support you whenever you think things cannot get worse, and inspire and challenge you to be the best version of yourself.

For this, we need to make sure we attract good people in our circles, but this is easier said than done.

With how often people hide not only who they are but also their intention, it can be hard to tell if those around us are good or bad.

Despite this, there are ways in which you can make sure you attract only those who will have your best interest at heart. There are a couple tips for attracting only the right kind of people, and we have brought you the best ones here!

From friendships to relationships, read these tips to ensure only good people enter your life!

attract good people
Image By Drazen Zigic From Shutterstock

Work on yourself first.

The first thing you can do in order to attract the right kind of people to our circle is to work on yourself. By this, we mean you need to understand yourself and what makes people gravitate towards you.

You should start by answering questions that deal with the kind of people you usually attract and why you think that happens, what type of people you gravitate towards, and if they are “yes men” or not.

Maybe you are more prone to befriending people who are a lot of fun to hang around, but they are not as reliable as you would want when things are tough.

The reason why you need to think about these and maybe work on yourself afterward is that you may end up figuring out a pattern. If you think wrong people are coming into your life time and time again, then you need to see what attracts them to you and change that.

You may end up not wanting conflict, so you bend to others’ wills, or you only have “yes” people around, but having them validate everything you do may keep you from growing as a person.

Likewise, if the people around you are constantly negative, then you may end up being put down by them and thus have things impact your self-esteem, which will in turn stop you from achieving your full potential.

Understanding yourself will turn into understanding what type of people are good or bad for you, and in turn, you can work on changing and challenging the habits that leave the not-so-good people in your life.

Explore this idea, and you may just be able to find the qualities of the type of people you want in your life and work towards attracting them in your life.

Be intentional.

You have started to understand yourself and the people that you want to have in your life; the next step is to be intentional and specific when you meet people.

You need to be aware that your intention is important too, especially if you are trying to change up a pattern. And while some people think the intention is the same thing as wishing things happened as if fate willed it, they are pretty different.

Being intentional means that you need to actively seek the type of good people you want in your life whenever you are meeting others. This means that you will need to keep the qualities you want from your inner circle in mind when you interact with others.

Indeed, getting to know people is hard, and you may not get it right the first couple of times. However, there are ways to slowly get better at judging people’s characters.

This leads us to our next point…

attract good people
Image By Prostock-studio From Shutterstock

Learn to recognize a good character when you see one.

While judging a book by its cover is not a good practice, there are certain things you need to be careful of when you meet people.

This does not mean that you are going to judge them unfairly, but rather that there are certain characteristics that give away certain traits and character flaws that good people do not have.

Here are a couple of things to be mindful of when you meet new people that indicate that they may not be the best choices to add to your inner circle:

  • someone who makes it a point to make fun of others, even if they are meant as jokes (this is a sign that person is insecure and you’re better off without that);
  • people who talk about how they have never managed to create long-term friendships or who describe their friends as “stupid”;
  • someone who gives you an off feeling or makes you uncomfortable, even when you cannot pinpoint it (trust your gut).

On the other hand, if you do not know where to start with seeing the characteristics of good people, we recommend you start by looking for these:

  • people who have one or more strong, long-lasting friend groups;
  • people who are friends with those who you respect and/or admire;
  • people who are interested in knowing you, showing curiosity about your opinions, thoughts, and conversations with you;
  • people who give you a good, positive vibe that also makes you feel respected and heard.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there!

Now that we have established some ways to attract good people into your life, you also need to make it a reality. And let’s be honest, it can be hard to get new people into your life, no matter if they are the good or bad kind!

This is why you are supposed to put yourself out there. Be it that you are in the market for meeting a new partner or to make some new friends, you need to be up for meeting new people to share experiences.

If you have met the wrong partner in a pub, then you should also think about whether or not the locations where you end up are at play for you meeting the wrong people.

If you want to meet those who share your interests and who may be on the same wavelength as you, you should make a point of going to the places where they may be.

Attend social events and gatherings that you are interested in. Go to practice a new hobby, be open to seeing new people, and you will be able to get those wheels going.

Not to mention, you may also be able to find some communities online that can then translate to offline meetings with people who you have met before, so it would not be so daunting!

attract good people
Image By aslysun From Shutterstock

Stay true to yourself.

When you meet new people, and if you truly want to attract only the good people into your circle, you need to be yourself!

Make sure you are not putting on a new face or you try to please others when you first meet since that could mean you are starting on the wrong foot; while you do not want to make a bad impression, you also do not want to give the impression that you are someone you are not.

If you start a relationship on a foundation of inauthenticity, then you should not be surprised when these friendships are just surface-level and, in the end, bad for you.

The good people for you will be interested in the real you, so you should make a point of being yourself, and you will see how the true friendships you need will appear.

If you feel a bit out of the water when it comes to interacting with people and attracting good people in your life, don’t worry. This book will teach you some amazing tips and tricks to attract people like a magnet, and yes, only the worthy ones!

There are a lot of ways to make sure you bring good people into your life. Yet sometimes, as much as we try, we end up missing certain cues. If you are not sure the people around you are truthful, make sure you learn to see the signs someone has bad intentions with you!




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