These are all the lessons you can learn from seniors and apply them at any age!
There are a lot of things people, mainly seniors, may feel like they have missed out on or wished they could have done differently.
In reality, while some of us would love it, there is no time machine and no way of going back to tell our past self something that may help down the road. There are a lot of things that many would like to do differently, but unfortunately, it is not possible.
What is possible is to learn from all the things that have happened to us and pass them on to others who could also gain something from it.
A good way to bond with your family is to nurture your relationship and then share what you have learned. And while seniors have more to share with others, you can also share your wisdom at any age!
If you want to see what are some things that seniors regret and how they can turn those into teaching lessons for others, keep on reading, as we brought you the best stories!
Which one of them was your favorite? Were any of them something you also regret, and would you like to see the young ones in your family do better? Share your answers in the comments down below!

Don’t hate your teachers.
No matter the age, a lot of us had some teachers we hated and some that we wish we would not have had to ever interact with them.
This one is for those teachers who were not horrible to their students but who still got the brunt of student hatred.
While seniors are aware of the mean streak some teachers can have, they also recognize that they have learned a lot from them over the years. Not to mention, staying on the good side of a teacher is pretty easy.
Be respectful, do your homework, and don’t do anything to antagonize them. It does not mean loving your teachers, but rather staying civil and respectful, and you will end up with a better experience no matter what your study level is.
Not to mention, if you’re good to them, they will be good to you, and those recommendation letters are going to be far easier to get when you’re on their good side!
This is something my younger relatives have always appreciated when I share with them and a lesson that has been learned and used time and time again.
The present self is ALWAYS WRONG.
Think about all the times you have left things for your “future self” to deal with. It did not go as well as you expected it to, right?
This is because even if you do not particularly want to do something but you can, you should always go with that option. Sure, it may not be as fast or fun, but you are going to get it done, while your future self may end up not even picking up the task at hand!
The lesson here to pass on to others is that the present self is wrong most (all) the time!
When it comes to tasks and chores, you cannot guarantee that you are going to suddenly find the motivation to do something later. And if you are known to be prone to procrastination, you should definitely not let your present self rely on your future self!
I have experienced this a number of times, and if anyone asks me to share an important lesson I learned over the years, it is that you should always get those things out of the way!
That way you can then enjoy your free time guilt-free, and you do not have to worry when you could be relaxing!

Results like the SAT/ACTs really do matter, but not quite.
When you are young, you hear a lot of conflicting reports when it comes to how much the results of these types of tests are going to impact your life.
While you should not let others base their worth on how much they scored on a test, it should not be interpreted as a free pass to not study and throw the test just because they do not want to stress about it.
Indeed, these results are not going to define who you are and how smart you truly are, but they are going to count a lot down the line, and doing your best for it should be expected.
This also applies to other things when it comes to academics. Sure, no one is the best at all the subjects out there, but they should at least try to do their best and work hard for their grades.
In the end, it is not the grades that will determine who you are in life, but they may open some doors when it comes to colleges, and passing certain tests and getting certifications may help your job prospects down the line.
Education is important, so young people should remember not to throw tests just because they can. Indeed, if they cannot do certain things, support them but do not teach them to simply ignore them because they “do not matter.”.
Open up to others!
Everyone is born either more introverted or extroverted, and we all have our own boundaries for comfort. However, you should make sure you do your best to stay social, no matter your age and environment.
For young members of your family, this could mean trying to be social at school or college, and for older people, it could mean joining a gym or starting a social hobby. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there and make sure you give others a chance.
For as much as some of us need time by ourselves, humans are social creatures, and we need to be with others too.
This means that you should try to keep an open mind and try to make situations happen where you can meet like-minded people, thus giving yourself the opportunity to make new friends.

You do need to worry, but not too much!
Stress is not good for you. No matter the age, and as times have changed and technology has evolved, it seems like stress is something that everyone, everywhere, can barely escape!
This is why you should make sure that you do not worry too much. With young members of your family, loved ones, or people you want to help with some great advice, you should make sure that you tell them not to worry too much about certain things.
Sure, things like grades, work, and other important events are something you should keep in mind and work towards, but you should never let any of these things worry you so much it starts to impair your day-to-day life.
A healthy balance is what you should try your best to achieve,
So tell those who you keep close to your heart that this is the most important thing and that even if you miss out on certain opportunities, they are going to come back, and you may score an even more important one later down the line.
It takes a lot to be able to learn from your life experiences, but it is hard to learn from mistakes. If you want to learn to get away from the dogma of mistakes and see how psychology approaches learning from mistakes, we recommend you check out this book.
Have you ever thought that there is something wrong with your family? Trust your gut if you think something is not quite right, and learn all the signs that your family does not like you!