Watch Out! These Are the 8 Things You Should Never Lie About

There are some things you should never lie about… Even if it feels like the smart thing to do.

Is there someone who didn’t lie at least once in their lives? Probably not. Unless you’re a pathological liar, chances are that you don’t want to avoid the truth, but certain situations ask for a little lie. After all, they’re harmless and even well-intentioned, right? Well… not always.

Some lies are more dangerous than you think and are followed by crazy repercussions. Whether it’s with family members, friends, coworkers, or even with yourself, you should never lie about particular things. As much as you try to keep them covered, the truth will eventually come out, and it can cause a lot of harm.

While telling a lie could seem like a gracious way to escape an awkward situation, in reality, it can jeopardize your health, confidence, relationships with others, finances, and so many others. If you’re confused and don’t understand why we make such a big fuss about it, keep reading, because we’re going to tell you everything. Without further ado, these are all the things you should never lie about:

never lie about
Photo by Summit Art Creations from Shutterstock

1. Income on tax returns

I get it; everyone wants a refund at tax time, but don’t fool yourself. A fib here and there won’t land you more money, but more problems. Financial advisers say that lying about your income on tax returns could lead to being audited and losing out on future tax credits. And that’s not all: you could also end up spending a lot of money and time on legal assistance.

2. Career experience

You should never lie about your career experience in a resume, regardless of how tempting it might be! Trust me, I completely understand how annoying it is to look for a job and feel like none of these positions would be a good fit for you. You might have a great experience from your previous workplaces, but something’s missing, and they’d much rather go with another candidate. Been there, done that. Don’t recommend it.

If you lie on your resume, the HR or the hiring manager will ask you different questions during your interview. They might want additional explanations, and you won’t have any idea how to respond. You can imagine how the interview would go.

If you do manage to build on the lie, spin more details, and get the job, make sure you at least learn those things you lied about. Otherwise, you risk being told to do a specific thing, only for the manager to discover that it was a big fat lie. You can lose your job, so be careful with that!

3. Assets during bankruptcy

If you end up in this terrible bind, don’t even think about hiding your assets. Financial experts say that if you purposely lie about your income or assets when trying to help your qualifications, your case could end up being dismissed. Take a deep breath and be honest about everything. After all, bankruptcy deceptions rarely go unnoticed.

change your therapist, never lie about
Photo by Media_Photos from Shutterstock

4. Your feelings and actions

If you go to therapy, you should never lie about your feelings or actions. Why would you commit to something so serious and expensive if you don’t want to be honest anyway? Here’s the thing: you don’t only lie to your therapist, but to yourself, which will stay in your way of feeling better and growing.

Whether it’s things you’ve done in the past, how you react, or how you felt during a specific event, be open with it. You know what they say, “Honesty is the best policy,” and it’s true. If you want to develop and be the best version of yourself, it’s time to address things as they are.

5. Your doctor

If your doctor prescribes a treatment for a particular health issue, you’d better follow it. Whether it’s physical therapy, a pill, a diet change, or a simple recommendation, it’s probably for a good reason. Even though a doctor will give their patients the tools to help them feel better, some people forget or don’t care about these recommendations and decide to hide the truth.

You should never lie about your treatments, because you only hurt yourself. If there’s something you don’t agree with or need to adjust to fit your needs, an honest conversation with your doctor should clarify things. Don’t forget that in order for a doctor to help you, you have to help yourself too!

6. Your significant other

Here’s a tricky one! You should never lie about your feelings, especially when it comes to the person you spend your life with. Even if you think that is only an innocent lie and you do it to protect your SO’s feelings, keep in mind that it could harm the bond you share.

Honesty and communication are the main pillars of connection, love, and intimacy. It doesn’t matter how much something could hurt a partner, because they’re more likely to find out eventually. Find a nurturing way to express your feelings and thoughts and take this weight off your shoulders.

grandparents, never lie about
Photo by Africa Studio at Shutterstock

7. Weight loss efforts

This is a sensitive topic, but we have to address it! We all know how bad it is to claim that we exercise and focus on eating healthy and nutritious foods when, in reality, we trade walking for eating at the drive-thru weekly.

It took me decades to understand that the reason doctors ask their patients about their weight isn’t because they judge how many pounds you have, but because they look at weight as a potential trigger for particular health issues. You should never lie about your weight loss efforts when your doctor asks you because it’s only for searching for underlying causes, such as thyroid issues or cancer.

This lie could also change your treatment, which means higher expenses, risky prescriptions, and further health risks. Your health is a priority, so treat your body and mind right!

…If you want to learn more about human nature and what happens in our brains when we lie, this book is full of insights. Read it carefully, and you’ll be surprised by how amazing your mind is! Check it out here!

8. Your hobbies

Another thing you should never lie about, especially your doctor, is your hobbies. This piece of information isn’t necessary for you to bond, but to understand what your activities look like. For instance, if you love running, your doctor will pay closer attention to your joints and ligaments, so they can ensure you’re properly taken care of.

Coming clean about your hobbies will help the specialists understand your body better, which in turn will benefit your health and potential treatment. Whether it’s a hobby that puts pressure on your body during exertion or if you’re exposed to chemicals or other potentially harmful substances, tell your doctor about it.

Do you know any other things you should never lie about? Leave them in the comments below! And if you’d like to read Part. II hit us up, and we’ll take care of it sooner than you think! If you find this article helpful and would like to check out something else from Psychology Diary, here’s a post you don’t want to miss: Why Are People Jealous of You?




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