8 Signs Your Wife Is Planning a Divorce

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photo by Prostock-studio from Envato Elements

6. Fighting just for the sake of fighting

No. 6 on our list of signs of divorce is something that can usually be felt with basic intuition. If we’re honest, constantly arguing with your wife can make the best of us dream of a single life. But do we actually want that?

Maybe frequent fighting doesn’t make you want divorce, but it may make you wonder what your wife is thinking, right?

It can be hard to think clearly in the heat of an argument, but there are some questions you should reflect on. Can you identify a common theme in your arguments? Anything that seems like a common trigger or cause? How do the fights usually end? Does it end with reconciliation or with tears? Does one of you leave the house?

Perhaps the most important question is: Do the fights ever go anywhere? If the answer is “no,” that’s a strong indicator that your wife is considering divorce.

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