5. Listen to some soothing music that you enjoy
…Aah music! One of the best tips for de-stressing that therapists gave us was to listen to music after a huge fight. You may not be in the mood for something cheerful, but don’t go down the rabbit hole and start listening to sad tunes! Since music is a real mood changer and it’s also therapeutic, look for soothing, calming tunes, some lo-fi or tracks without any lyrics, even white noise can be very distressing.
If you want to experience the music you love at its best, you’re going to need some noise-canceling headphones. Check out the ones from Philips that are wireless and also foldable. They cost only $49.99 on Amazon, and we’d say it’s a great bargain for some professional headphones!
6. Express calm through your body
We concluded that one of the best tips for de-stressing after a conflict is to stay calm, no matter how much the situation escalates. And when you strive to achieve that, you should also express it physically. Reduce the volume of your voice, relax your shoulders, raise your palms, relax your face, and if appropriate, try a quick grin. Additionally, do your best to interact with and illuminate your face through your eyes. Your adversary must see you as comfortable, since only then can you start speaking properly.