8 Inspiring Mind-Decluttering Techniques for More Peace and Less Stress

Mind-Decluttering Technique
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Stop Multi-Tasking.

How would you begin if your house was a mess and you needed to organize and declutter it? You would probably start by choosing one crucial area, like the kitchen table, and clearing it of all the chaos.

The mental equivalent of clearing off the kitchen table is to select a certain amount of time you devote solely to one crucial task. During that time, push all mental clutter to the side and focus all your attention on the task at hand.

Imagine a table that’s clear of all items except for the one task you’ll be working on. Ensure that the table stays clear of all other things during this time you’ve devoted to the task. If anything else tries to work itself onto the table, mentally push it off.

Mind-decluttering tip to remember: Where we think we need control is often where we actually need self-trust!

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