7 Most Worrying Things Anxiety Does to Your Body

low immunity
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

3. Weaken your immune system

Stress can give the immune system a boost, which is a plus for immediate situations. This kind of stimulation can be good, as it helps your body heal wounds and avoid infections.

But over time, the things anxiety does to your body may be detrimental to your immune system. Stress hormones can weaken your immunity and reduce your body’s natural response to foreign invaders.

People under chronic anxiety or stress are more likely to catch viral illnesses like the common cold or flu, as well as other infections. Coping with the fight or flight response on a daily basis and frequent stress hormones may not allow your body to get back to its normal rested state, leaving your immune system susceptible to the health issues mentioned above.

During this time, regular flu vaccinations and jabs may also not work for you.

Stress and anxiety can also increase the time it takes your body to recover from an injury or illness.

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