Are those mood swings you’ve been having normal?
The name may be simple enough, but it’s not just some kind of pendulum moving back and forth between smiles and frowns. Mood swings are a rollercoaster of emotional mayhem. And these unpredictable sentiments are never the person’s fault.
One might recognize something that’s triggered a change in their mood, like a stressful life event. But it’s also common for mood swings to happen without an apparent reason. People can even experience mood changes if they have an underlying mental health issue.
Frequent mood swings could indicate a more serious underlying condition that requires immediate attention. Controlling mood swings can indicate intelligence and even quality of life.
We often have days when everything seems perfect, and a particular situation or thought suddenly causes it to change. So what do we do when this happens? People need to understand that mood swings are relatively routine.
It’s practically impossible to experience the same emotion at the exact same intensity throughout the day. But, suppose your overall mood tends to fluctuate for no obvious reason.
In that case, it can sometimes indicate mental health conditions for which you need to see a professional for medical advice. So let’s take a look at your mood swings and how you can control them.

Is Your Mood Always Unpredictable?
Your mood is a scattered chart that doesn’t seem to have a link. When these mood swings strike, you go from up, down, sideways, and into a whirlpool that may scare those who are caught in your crossfire.
This is your first sign that you may have bipolar disorder, where you experience irritability, impulsiveness, sadness, anxiety, and utter depression within a few minutes before turning into a bubbly rainbow.
Fix this mood swing: Some talk therapy mixed with complementary and alternative therapies could help. Meditation, for instance, can teach you to channel your stability.
Also, meditation can work with cognitive-behavioral therapy in order to moderate your disorder’s symptoms. You can try some aromatherapy, as well.
Essential oils that have relaxing scents, like chamomile or lavender, can soothe the mind allowing you to settle down.
Unfocused Or Unproductive?
Too much cortisol, which is the stress hormone, in the blood severely impacts your mood. Sleep deprivation, a change in environment, anxiety, or other stressful situations dramatically represses the serotonin neurotransmitter.
Two other factors that cause sudden brain fog are depression and a sedentary lifestyle. Depression, as those who suffer from it, will know, can strike you like lightning. One moment you feel like you’re on top of the world. The next, you’re a shapeless blob of sorrow.
Fix this mood swing: Keeping yourself active and sleeping regularly are two of the easiest fixes if you have much cortisol or are suffering from depression. Getting some fresh air, for instance, will boost your serotonin and endorphin levels.
You can even release some stress with a yoga class. Doing this will make you feel more alert and stimulated. Try cutting back on caffeine for a while, too, because too much of it might aggravate the sudden onset of brain fog and can worsen the way you feel.
Feeling Sluggish And Apathetic?
Your thyroid might be to blame. When your thyroid feels erratic, so do you. Especially when the hormones it emits throughout the day must be adequately regulated. You might have trouble sleeping, lose or gain weight, experience poor digestion, and have a gloomy mood.
If there’s a history of autoimmune diseases in your family, you should get checked out by a doctor. Something else besides the thyroid is a gastrointestinal tract bereft of beneficial gut flora. Without these healthy bacteria, you cannot absorb food correctly.
Fix this mood swing: A malfunctioning thyroid can be fixed with a better diet and regular exercise. Reducing all those hours of inactivity is a good start. Also, you should add some iodine into your diet.
The best sources are seaweed like kombu, wakame, kelp, and spirulina. If you think you could be suffering from GI tract issues, an effortless way to revamp your gut flora is by drinking some probiotic fluid like kombucha or kefir and eating lots of non-sugar and non-GMO yogurt with live and active cultures.

Feel Like Ripping Someone’s Face Off?
Could you just be hungry? Or maybe you have some unresolved aggression issues that are getting riled up? If this is the case, then it’s no wonder you’re feeling rabid. Grumpiness is one of the most significant side effects when your blood sugar begins to drop.
Take a look at your eating habits. You may have been denying yourself the calories you need throughout the day. Anxiety and anger management issues can also cause you to be irritable, especially when you feel like you’ve been backed into a corner.
Fix this mood swing: Try to eat foods that have a low glycemic index with some staying power. This includes sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and various seeds. You can also get some mood-boosting foods on your menu, like Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
A gratifying diet will help when it comes to managing your anger. However, you should also consider hormonal levels and past traumas as well. If that seems to be the case, seek out a therapist.
Some More Tips On How To Manage Mood Swings:
- Be mindful of mood changes: Identifying these mood swings is the first step in getting a handle on them. Many people are so caught up with their busy lives that they don’t see emotional changes influencing their moods. And that’s why we feel like they appear out of thin air. Whenever you feel like you’ve taken a turn for the worse, notice the feelings you’re experiencing in that moment. Is it sadness, frustration, guilt, or disgust? And more importantly, try figuring out why you’re experiencing that feeling. Once you identify your symptoms, start taking action. For instance, if you’re experiencing severe depression, identify the cause. It can come from many factors, including medications, of confidence, major life events, and conflict with a family member. Therapy can be a fantastic treatment to help you process some of your feelings.
- Do your research: We live in a world where information is just a click away. You can find everything about the causes and how to manage them better. But since only some things you read online are valid or worth considering, you must filter your information carefully. To educate yourself about mood swings, use respected sources that rely on solid evidence, or speak to a professional.
- Don’t be ashamed to ask for help: Mood swings can be rough, especially when caught up in a roller coaster of emotions. It’s tough to differentiate between healthy or unhealthy, good or bad, and normal or abnormal when experiencing these sudden changes. You should ask for an outside opinion if you go through extreme mood swings. Talk to your loved ones about your concerns. Ask them if they’ve noticed your attitude over the past days, weeks, or months.
- Consult a mental health specialist: If your mood swings are becoming frequent and affect your day-to-day life, it may be time to consult a mental health professional. A doctor may prescribe medications to help you manage what you’re going through. They’re also trained in therapeutic methods to help you cope. So when should you seek outside help? If you go through rapid mood changes or have symptoms of depression for more than two weeks, getting medical treatment is your best option.

In Conclusion
The difference between what’s normal and what isn’t boils down to figuring out how your emotional state influences your everyday life.
There’s no single cause of mood swings. Many mood swings can be treated by eating nutritious foods, adjusting your circadian rhythms, and working on light CAM therapies.
If you feel that nutrient imbalances or hormones aren’t the cause of your mood swings, see a doctor or therapist because they can better assess your underlying issues.
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