Slowly transition into retirement without forcing it
For a lot of people, this transition from a 9-to-5 job to retirement doesn’t seem like an easy task. And to be honest, it isn’t! Some of them are worried about the fact that they used to have something to do in order to feel useful, while others realize they won’t have a fixed income anymore. With this inflation going on, this thought might be overwhelming, resulting in sadness and, later, depression. If you’re not a retiree yet but you’re slowly getting there, take your time to understand this change.
Start by talking with other friends or family members who are already retired and asking them how it is and how they dealt with the changes. Believe it or not, but having somebody to talk to is very important!
In order to evaluate how it feels, if you’re still in the work field, you might also negotiate with your employer about reducing your working hours gradually over the course of a few years prior to retiring. This will definitely help you slide slower into retirement instead of making a sudden transition.