6 Amazing Mental Health Benefits of Having a Pet

Photo by SeventyFour from Shutterstock

Find meaning and joy in life

Unfortunately, things that formerly kept us busy and gave our lives meaning fade as we get older. Your children may have moved far away, you may have retired, and you may have gradually lost contact with your friends. So what can you do to stay healthy and sane even after you change your routine? Taking care of a pet can genuinely make you happy, increase your optimism, and improve your mood.

Knowing that you saved an animal who would otherwise have ended up on the street or, worse, put to sleep, can make choosing to adopt a furry friend from a shelter much more satisfying. Would you consider adopting a dog or a cat this year? Tell us in the comments.

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One Response

  1. I never knew that puppies could help you escape the claws of depression and anxiety. My brother wants to help his in-law adjust to his new living space this year. I think they should start by finding a dog breeder and adopting a puppy to ease his eventual loneliness.

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