7 Negative Ways in Which Stress Affects the Body

anxiety, relationship, affect
Photo by Billion Photos From Shutterstock

Mental health issues

The first impact stress has on our bodies is obviously on our central nervous system and our mental health. It is nothing new to most of us, as we have either experienced the ways stress can affect a person ourselves or we have a loved one or acquaintance that has been affected by it.

The most common ways in which stress leaves its mark on our mental health are either through triggering other disorders (like depression and migraines) or through impeding a person’s ability to rest.

A lot of people end up struggling with depression alongside stress, and experts have suggested that stress may be one of the main reasons why most people end up developing depression in the first place.

Other researchers have suggested that there is such a thing as “stress-induced depression,” which is a type of depression that occurs in people who have a history of stress before getting their diagnosis.

Moreover, it has been shown over the years that stress caused by your place of work can end up contributing to and even making depressive episodes worse.

It is similar when it comes to disruptions in people’s sleep cycles. Due to stress, a lot of people end up developing insomnia. This is because stress puts us in a state of anger and stimulates certain parts of our brains that release the attention hormone. Since there is a lot of that hormone being secreted, you cannot rest properly anymore.

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13 Responses

  1. Stress has been so prevalent in my life, that I suffer from Vertigo, diabetes 2, and hypertension. It has become so deep in my day to day that it holds me back with enjoying going out, getting basic chores done in the house, accepting invitations, even shopping for anything, etc.

  2. What I find stressful is being 72, on limited income, still working prn and paying $50 to Nurse.com for free cme’s, required by my hospital and my license and certification, only to find out less than a week later I could have saved $15 through a special offer!!! You’ve really pissed me off!

  3. Not my problem, I’m 70, the old male lion living in the zoo laying in the shade.
    Removal of prostate and nerve cut. However, everything else you’ve mentioned, my significant other has experienced.

  4. I can’t sleep I’m totally stressed everyday especially at night it’s impossible to relax my hypotension is off the wall I’m constantly worrying about bills to pay

  5. I AM A TEACHER! NEED I SAY MORE?! When I leave work, I have difficulty going to the gym for strengthening. I go home, shower, and fall into bed. Thank GOD my husband and I have no children of our own. Stress has ballooned my weight up to 300 lbs (working to get it off)! Most of my colleagues, myself included, are on antidepressants!

  6. When I’m under severe stress my eyelashes fall out. Its been happening since I was 17 years old. I could never get a doctor to agree the two were related but after 5 decades of it happening I can say it most definitely is the cause.

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