18 Social Media Habits That Are Still Considered Cheating

social media
Photo by Tero Vesalainen at Shutterstock

Posting Teasing Photos

If you started posting things that have turned NC-17 right after someone you feel attracted to added you as their friend or started following you, I hate to break it to you but you’re sort of cheating. That’s because flirty photos and other posts meant to attract and seduce someone else other than your life partner is anything but harmless.

Constantly Checking Someone’s Status

Even the most loyal of partners will sometimes want to know what their exes are doing and check them on social media every once in a while. But if the “every now and then” checking becomes an everyday habit, if you’re constantly scrolling through photos and updates to see what’s new in their life, you’re spending less time with your real partner and very close to opening the doors to infidelity.

Commenting on an Ex’s Photos

Congratulating your ex for a personal achievement or event they posted on social media is ok. However, writing things like “Wish I was there with you!” on a photo of them wearing a revealing swimsuit or “Miss our time together”, is far from being an innocent comment.

Read also 12 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering a Divorce.

Following Someone You Want to Have an Adventure With

Following people on social media because you are attracted to them is not completely innocent. If you see the profile of someone unknown while scrolling through your feed and follow them just because you think they are sexy, you’re one step closer to cheating. Next thing you know, you’re texting, meeting in person and…well, you know the rest.

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