9 Signs You Need to See a Psychiatrist NOW

photo by nina_p_v from Envato Elements

Whenever we hear “mental health,” we are scared, and we tend to panic. Why? Because there has always been a huge stigma, anyone who wanted to talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist was mocked in every way possible, until they gave up on the initial idea. But let me tell you something: mental illness is very common, and we must take care of it as much as possible.

A lot of people need to consult a psychiatrist, but only a small percentage of the population has the courage to do it. And the bad news is that almost 30% of the global population is struggling with mental health; most of them suffer from anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder.

If you recognize yourself in at least three of these signs presented on the next pages of the article, please seek professional help! There is no shame in trying to be healthy and take better care of ourselves.

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