1. Posture
Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents kept telling you to sit and walk straight? Well, they really knew what to say, because posture is one of the most important things when it comes to attractiveness.
Even though it might not seem that big of a deal, the way you stand can say a lot about who you are. People are more likely to interpret you as nervous or frightened if your shoulders are rounded and your chest is closed off by your hands.
In order to make a nice impression, you should stand up straight, relax your shoulders, and hold your head high so that your chin is parallel to the floor. To put it in simpler words, imagine that you have a crown on your head and you don’t want to drop it. These little actions will help you seem more genuine and approachable.
Besides all of the things we’ve previously mentioned, did you know that having a good posture will make you appear slimmer and taller? Do this simple thing, and you’ll notice how confident you’ll get! But if you’re feeling self-conscious, remember to fake it ’til you make it!
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