3. Physical look
Your physical appearance is the one that will make people think that there’s something special about you before you have the chance to say something.
We don’t say that you need to look a certain way to make others have a good impression of you, but there are some body language secrets that will help you be perceived the way you want to be.
Experts say that those who value themselves highly are more likely to take good care of themselves in all aspects of their lives, including what they eat, how much sleep they get each night, how clean they keep themselves, and how often they exercise.
Creating a unique and special personal style is a fun way to express yourself and you should make the most of it. You really don’t have to be a supermodel to make a good impression with your personal grooming and style.
For instance, if you go to a meeting and you didn’t have time to iron your shirt and now it looks pretty bad, it might be best to choose something else to wear. A wrinkled outfit will make you look unprofessional and messy, not attractive. Trust us: body language is your friend, but it can also be your biggest enemy if you don’t know how to use it in your favor!
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