Take care of the mess
Honestly, last-minute crises could become full-blown emergencies if she’s about to leave for that super-important appointment. If you want to put your wife’s mind at ease, let her know that you’ve got everything covered. It could be anything, from bodily fluids to ballet class. Trust me, you can take care of this, and nothing compares to a worry-free, loving, and grateful wife!
Call her your beautiful bride even if you married a long time ago
So what if you married a long time ago? At some point in your life, she was your bride! It’s nice to remind her of all the beautiful memories you have together, of your wedding day, and how she’s so much more to you than a wife and a mom! Even more, if your wedding day was just as magical for her as it was for you, she will love to remember the day when she was the most beautiful bride in the world, and that she still loves you very much. After all, even if you are aging, your love for each other isn’t!