10 Reasons Behind Infidelity

Photo by fizkes from shutterstock.com

6. Revenge 

Everyone wants to feel understood by their partners, but you can’t make someone feel the way you feel by doing to them the same bad things they’ve done to you. According to experts, this is an indicator of unhealthy relationship behavior, which leads to bigger issues.

Let’s put it like this: if someone cheats on their partner, the “victim” finds out and decides to cheat, and everything is out in the open now, do you think they can make up and make their relationship work again? We don’t think so. There will be many layers of pain, trauma, issues, and bad intentions.

7. Midlife crisis

There is no such thing as cheating solely until you enter your 40s! When it comes to love, age, sex, and money are not that important! Regardless of age, all people can question their lives, their paths, their partners, the directions they are going into and the list can go on.

With age, people can begin to feel more insecure and they will seek out validation, in order to feel more appreciated. Also, when people observe that they start to age, they have a new desire to try new things and opportunities, before life goes by. These can lead to career changes, new physical partners, wanderlust and so many other things.

8. Boredom 

If the romantic relationship is not that romantic anymore, people can get bored, and they will seek attention and love in a different place. They can have an intimate desire, they might look for emotional connections or communication and understanding.

This is why experts always suggest that partners should talk about all their feelings and problems because it is the only way they will be able to solve their issues.

9. Childhood

Whether we realize it or not, some neuroscience experts say that all people have traumas, either from childhood or teenage years, that we spend a long period of our lives trying to make sense of. Unfortunately, the majority of them are issues related to relationships. This can make people fight over and over again, and when it comes to romantic relationships, these unresolved issues can lead to infidelity or divorce.

Some experts recommend getting to the core of the issues, then working from there, because these problems can sabotage someone’s relationships in multiple ways – fighting, cheating, abusing, lying, verbal and physical violence, and the list can go on.

10. Opportunity

You might not have expected that, but this one comes from experts! According to an article that was posted on Psychology Today, it was found that women and men that work with people and have physical contact with them are more likely to find themselves cheating. This is because the temptation is bigger, especially if they are physically touching other people.

On the other hand, the same article says that people who work from home or those who have more isolated jobs might not find cheating as tempting as the other category.


There is no such thing as the perfect recipe for a healthy and strong relationship, but the main ingredients are communication, honesty, affection, and love.

To sum up this article, we can say that nowadays, being surrounded by technology, can make us more tempted. We have smartphones, and social networking apps, so the possibilities to cheat are endless. But that doesn’t mean all of us are willing to do so.

Before jumping to conclusions, it is always better for partners to talk about their feelings and maybe ask for an expert’s opinion!

What do you think about these reasons why people cheat? Do you agree with them or not? Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us by leaving them in the comments section down below!

…Do you want to read more from us? Then check out this article: PTSD Symptoms: 6 HEALTHY Ways Seniors Can Manage Them!

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