8 Biggest Turn-Offs for Women Over 50s

2. No Altruism 

Even though women don’t want to be told what to do or don’t like to depend on someone, one thing is for sure: they want to know their partners are willing to help them when they need it.

This doesn’t mean that their partners should get out of their ways to assist them. It means that women need to know that they can count on the people they are willing to spend the rest of their lives with.

When men show women that they are ok and available to help them when they need it, they feel loved, protected, and respected.

…Do you agree with the next one?  

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6 Signs You Have a Narcissistic Mother

2. They’re criticizing you all the time Ok, most parents criticize their offspring, but constructive criticism is a good tool that can help you develop in a healthy way. However,