5 Signs a Man Might Have Unresolved Mommy Issues

Do they have mommy issues? Find out now!

“Mommy issues” is a thing that we hear pretty often, but what is the meaning behind it? When a man has mommy issues, this indicates that some emotional and behavioral patterns that were present in the relationship with their mothers are still present.

The problem is that they don’t stem from a good place. We are talking about a broken and toxic relationship, and because of this, these behaviors ruin adulthood relationships.

The bond between a mom and her son is one of the fundamental relationships and is known to further shape the individual’s attachment style.

The way men form and maintain close relationships throughout their lives is similar to the relationship they had with their mother, and as you would expect in case they had a toxic relationship, this is something that can be easily noticed and can also create a lot of trouble.

So, do the men in your life have mommy issues? Read on and discover for yourself!

mommy issues
Image by Dejan Dundjerski from Shutterstock

1. They want love and affection but don’t know how to receive it

When a man has mommy issues, there is a desire for love and affection, but it clashes with the inability to express or reciprocate it. This is an inner conflict that has its roots in the relationship the man had with his mother and is a situation that can make many people confused.

These men show all the signs that they want a loving relationship. They go on dates, enjoy the company of women, and even start to form connections. Unfortunately, as soon as the relationship starts to become deeper and things get serious, the self-sabotaging cycle begins.

If we look back into their past, we might discover that their mothers may have been emotionally distant, overly critical, or placed high expectations on them to be emotionally resilient or “tough.”

As a result, they might associate vulnerability with rejection or weakness and simply retreat each time they feel emotional closeness.

2. They have a difficult time regulating their emotions and handling conflicts

Mothers are the role models for their sons, and if they were not great at managing emotions or resolving conflicts, this would be reflected in their sons.

Men with mommy issues grow up, but they don’t have the required tools to express their feelings healthily or to face conflict constructively. When this behavior manifests in their adult relationships, this can create some real challenges.

For example, when conflict is around the corner, a man with mommy issues might simply shut down and avoid any conversation. This avoidance may come from past experiences where expressing emotions or standing up for himself led to rejection from his mother.

Also, there are some men that do the exact opposite. If they feel threatened by a conflict, they will have a disproportionate reaction that will result in outbursts of anger or extreme frustration. This can happen because during childhood he was harshly criticized or misunderstood by his mother.

None of these two reactions is good for a healthy relationship, and it can be very difficult for their partners to navigate this emotional unpredictability.

3. Comparing his partners to his mother

This is one of the traits of men with mommy issues that gets called out the most because many people find it incredibly disrespectful. And indeed, comparing partners to mothers is not a great thing to do, and it can happen both consciously and unconsciously.

There are two scenarios for this. The first one might be the most well-known one and is when the men with mommy issues idealize his mother, holding her up as the ultimate example of what a woman should be.

He wants the women that he has beside him to do all the things in the way his mother did, and this creates some exceptionally high standards that have no role other than to show us that he doesn’t see his partner as an individual with her own strengths and qualities.

The second scenario is when he has a negative image of his mother and he projects these negative qualities onto other women. This will make him hyper-focused on any little flaw and exaggerate it until he simply destroys the relationship.

In both cases, he will compare his partners to his mother, and this is not the way to create a healthy connection with the person they love. Overcoming this pattern is challenging, but if there is willpower and openness to the possibility of going to therapy, it’s totally possible.

4. They can’t relate to women

When a man has mommy issues, there is a high probability that they might have some problems relating to women. If he had a flawed or unhealthy relationship with his mother, this could distort his perceptions and expectations of women as a whole.

If you notice that a man regularly speaks poorly of other women or engages in gossip and judgment, this can indicate that this behavior is something the son has internalized from his mother, who used to do the same. In the end, this might make him objectify or belittle women, believing that this is acceptable behavior.

Also, if the mother was cold and never encouraged him to express this emotion, this man might find it increasingly hard to understand how some women can be open emotionally and also minimize his chances of relating to their emotional needs and expressions.

mommy issues
Image by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

5. Struggles with independence and self-sufficiency

If he had an overly involved mother—a very controlling one—this could result in a disaster because this man might lack the ability to make decisions on his own. He will constantly seek his mother’s approval because he is incredibly afraid of failure and has learned that she is the one who knows best.

In case his mother is no longer around, this role will be filled by his partner, and this is a very problematic dynamic. His romantic partner will be expected to make decisions for him, take care of him, or provide the same level of emotional support and involvement his mother once did. A man with mommy issues might see his romantic partner more like a caretaker than a partner, and this will put a strain on the relationship.

On the flip side, if he grew up without sufficient nurture and care from his mother, he might trust issues and will never rely on others for his needs. He will be fiercely independent to the point that he will reject help from his partner just because he is afraid of the potential hurt or abandonment.

Most of the time, you might find it hard to stay with a man who has mommy issues, but if they want to cooperate with you, there might be a chance to make things better. The most important step is communication. You should try to talk with them about what you have noticed and see what they want to do next.

If you want to learn more about this topic and how family trauma shapes who we are this book might be what you are looking for: It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle

You should also read: 7 Ways to Set Healthy Boundaries With Your Family




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