7 Intriguing Reasons You Dream About Your Ex

Do you dream about your ex?

When I first got into my first serious relationship, I kept dreaming about my ex-partner. Sometimes it was s*xual, other times it was all about conversations and even closure. Those dreams were so weird, that I would typically wake up confused and sad, thinking that I was hurting my actual partner for not being over the other man.

Since I wasn’t feeling good, I decided to think about my dreams and try to understand my feelings. It wasn’t easy, but I paid attention to my thoughts, how I was feeling with my significant other, and what I was thinking about my ex, and in the end, I decided it was time to ask for professional help. A friend of mine recommended me a good therapist, and after a few sessions with her, I realized I was over my ex and the dreams were only a result of my unconscious mind.

If you’re like me and you dream about your ex without knowing why, you’re at the right place. They’re more complicated than just signs you miss them or want them back. I’ve put together a list of all the reasons why you dream about your ex, along with ways to work through each scenario, and I want to share it with you. So, without further ado, let’s uncover the mystery together:

dream about your ex
Photo by Kmpzzz from Shutterstock

1. Past trauma

According to experts, our unconscious mind always does what’s best for us, so it’s trying to work through unresolved problems that can be either from past relationships, childhood, or overall trauma we’ve experienced throughout our lives.

So, if you have unresolved issues, they’re more likely to follow you with every step you take. For instance, if you feel like your former partner did you wrong, the reason why you dream about your ex is because you need to work through your trust issues.

Long story short, if you dream about cheating on your current partner, take it as a sign to start working on your problems. Your ex is only a stand-in to help your unconscious work through your roadblocks, so think of it as an opportunity rather than something to be ashamed or even scared of.

2. They were important to you

You surely know that in dreams, places, things, and people are typically symbolic. They’re present there to pinpoint something that might be important to you, but you can’t see it while you’re awake. Your dream about your ex might signify an important time in your life. But before you come up with a conclusion, ask yourself how you feel when you think about the dream.

The answer to this question can give you a roadmap to understand yourself better. It will show you what your former partner represents at the moment, and it will also help you understand what you need to deal with. It might have nothing to do with your ex, but the reason they appear in your sleep is because it makes you think of something important. Your job is to understand what the symbol is and process whatever you need to deal with.

Earning Respect From Others, dream about your ex
Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

3. You mourn the loss of the previous relationship

Even though you know all the reasons why you ended your relationship, you still need to take your time to grieve the end of the relationship and the presence of that person in your life. If you don’t work on your issue while you’re awake, your body and mind will force you to do so on their terms, which means while you’re asleep.

For instance, if your dream about your ex involved their death, it isn’t because you don’t wish them good, but only because you mourn the death of what you had together. Consider this a healthy method to let go of the things and experiences that no longer serve you. Think of the good things and what you’ve learned from them, but don’t forget that the sad things also help you grow and transform into the best version of yourself. Don’t hold on to a grudge; be grateful for what you’ve had, and close the chapter.

Speaking of things you’ve learned in your past experiences….

4. You integrate previous relationship lessons

As we’ve already mentioned, walking away from a relationship can make you feel uncomfortable for a while, but it will also teach you a lot of valuable things about yourself, what you want or don’t want, how you’d wish your partner to be, and so many other things.

The more you distance yourself from a situation, the more awareness you’ll get, even if it doesn’t happen overnight. You can gain insight long after a breakup took place and think you’ve “moved on.” As psychologists say, a dream about your ex can also be a way to understand the lessons you’ve learned and apply them in your new romantic connection.

You can see this entire experience as a gift and a chance to grow, do better, and evolve with someone special. It might not be easy to see all of these things, but pay attention to how you feel, and you’ll be good!

5. You need closure

One of the main reasons you might dream about your ex is because you need closure. You might not feel at peace with how things ended between you and your former partner. Even if you’re the one who wanted out of the relationship, breakups don’t always go as planned.

A part of you might wish things had turned out differently, or maybe you’ve found yourself thinking about what you could’ve said or done in another way. In other cases, maybe your unconscious mind tries to tell you that there was something your ex said and you didn’t like it.

But here’s the thing: before you text your former lover to get “closure,”  know that you don’t need to see or speak to them to solve things for good. Sometimes, what you see in your dreams is a method to get the closure you need without having your heart broken all over again.

Untrustworthy Behavior Trait, dream about your ex
Photo by Prostock-studio at Shutterstock

6. You’re not over them

I know you’ve probably expected to read this, but I want you to know it’s not as frequently as you imagine it. Typically, when someone is still in love with their former partner, they talk about it while awake. Sometimes, a dream about your ex indicates that you’re still processing the breakup, but you’re out of touch with your emotional process.

If this sounds like you, it might be time to take a few moments for yourself to relax and think about your life and how you want things to be. Don’t forget that it’s important to consider the reasons behind the breakup, what didn’t work for both parties, and whether continuing the relationship is something you truly desire.

Remember that after a relationship ends, people frequently idealize it or feel alone and yearn to reunite with a familiar person. But this isn’t necessarily a sign of love, but only of comfort. It’s easy to forget about the bad things when you feel lonely and crave to be with someone you already know and who knows you back, rather than dealing with your feelings and putting in the effort to meet someone new. Relax, take a deep breath, and focus on yourself and making your life better. Once you realize your worth and values, everything will be easier, especially finding a suitable partner.

7. Your current relationship doesn’t meet your needs

It’s common to have certain things in a relationship that you wish were different, even if you’re delighted with your new partner. Perhaps there’s something your ex did, s*xually or emotionally, that you wish your present relationship was giving you.

In this case, the dream might help you identify an unfulfilled need so you can discuss it with your current lover. (And no, you don’t have to tell anyone that you dreamed about your ex to accomplish that.)


If you need extra help on how to love yourself and move past previous relationships, I recommend you check out this book. It’s full of insights that will boost your confidence and give you peace of mind.

Do you know any other reasons why you might be dreaming about your ex? Have you ever experienced anything like this? Share your experience with us, because we’d love to know your tips!

If you find this article helpful and would like to read something else from Psychology Diary, here’s a good post for you: Do You Dream About Cheating on Your Partner? (7 Surprising Reasons Why)




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