6 Damaging After Effects of Emotional Abuse

Emotional Abuse
Photo by simona pilolla 2 at Shutterstock

Are you a victim of emotional abuse?

Have you or someone you love suffered from emotional abuse in a relationship? Even if that relationship might be over now, you might still be dealing with the long-term effects of this kind of abuse.

The relief of no longer being subjected to abusive treatment doesn’t obliterate its impact on your overall well-being. Emotional abuse is often the most complex to identify and overcome because its scars aren’t visually noticeable.

Unlike physical abuse, the emotional sort doesn’t leave behind any physical evidence. The short AND long-term effects of this type of abuse in any relationship can be devastating and, unfortunately, long-lasting.

They can even affect the abused person for the rest of their life, mainly if it’s never addressed with a professional. But help is out there. So let’s talk about the 6 signs, effects, and treatment of emotional abuse.

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