9 Introvert-Friendly Life Lessons You Can Learn for Personal Growth

Transform your life with these introvert-friendly life lessons! Extroverts usually take center stage in business, politics, or even social gatherings. Meanwhile, introverts prefer to work behind the scenes and are highly misunderstood. In our society, they seem standoffish, aloof, or unfriendly. But, what most don’t realize is that introverts draw their energy from within rather […]
How the 5 Stages of Grief Can Give Us Closure

Have you heard about the five stages of grief? You may have heard about the five stages of grief, but like many, it may have been a passing idea. Despite this, these are a great aid when it comes to grieving and managing to go through such a loss, be it that you are dealing […]
Seniors Only: 8 Things You Should Stop After 60

Psychology Diary presents: things you should stop after 60! Do you want to live a fantastic life filled with happiness, pleasures, and health? Then you’re at the right place because I know how to help you reach your goals. Just because you’re a senior now doesn’t mean you should stop yourself from being happy. They […]
10 Defense Mechanisms We All Use and How They Work

What are your defense mechanisms? Defense mechanisms are ways you react when faced with negative emotions. According to the psychoanalytic approach, when you experience a stressor, the subconscious will first monitor what’s happening to see if the situation might harm you. If the subconscious believes there’s any threat of emotional harm, it may respond by […]
18 Common Habits Indicating You Weren’t Loved During Childhood

Children deserve the best in the world; but it’s not the toys, the holidays, or the material things that make children the happiest. It’s the unconditional love and care they receive from their parents. Sadly, whether intentionally or not, some parents do not express their feelings towards their children in a right or clear way […]
Family Trauma Survivors: 15 Personality Traits They ALL Share

Is there a connection between personality traits and family trauma survivors? In the grand scheme of life, some individuals emerge as resilient heroes, navigating the complexities of family trauma with grace and strength. So Psychology Diary wishes to shine a light on the incredible journey of family trauma survivors, exploring the most common personality traits […]
12 Ways to Enjoy the Holidays by Yourself

Let’s set something straight: being alone for the holidays doesn’t necessarily mean you are unloved or that you’re failing at life. Connecting with people in person might be rough right now, and seeing loved ones, especially if they live far away, might not be on the table this year. As the holidays get closer, it’s […]
9 Manipulation Tactics (and How To Fight Them)

Psychopaths walk among us. Here’s how to fight their manipulation tactics! Individuals with psychopathic tendencies aren’t just the villains in slasher movies. They walk among us every day and look like normal people. For example, according to one study, a small but considerable portion of business leaders fit the clinical description of a psychopath. The […]
Are You a Perfectionist? 8 Signs That Confirms It

Do you have any of these perfectionist traits? A perfectionist has overly critical self-evaluations and high personal standards. These people accept nothing shy of flawlessness and insist on perfection. This can manifest as criticism of both oneself and others and in attempts to control people and situations. If you’re wondering whether you’re a perfectionist, chances […]