8 Diseases You Can Prevent By Being Thankful

Photo by LightField Studios From Shutterstock

2. Dementia

Another disease that is pretty common among the elderly is dementia, which is very hard to treat as well. What is dementia? Well, dementia is basically the general term for losing memory, which can interfere with your day-to-day activities. But the worst thing is that this illness starts slowly and then gets worse. Although most changes that occur in the brain that are the root of this disease are usually permanent, memory issues can improve when the medical condition is treated accordingly.

A study published last year found that older people who practice gratitude and are grateful for everything in their lives have better cognitive function. Furthermore, all of them felt less lonely, isolated, and depressed after they started changing the way they think. Being thankful for your life and the good things in it might also help you boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Let’s start making changes for the best!

…psst! If you find this article useful, you may also be interested in reading this one as well: Anxiety Is Different In Seniors. Do You Know The Warning Signs?

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One Response

  1. I have experienced insomnia for many years, mainly because of stress. At some point I did write what I was grateful for and I remember it being helping. Somewhere along the line I forgot I had done that and your article reminded of that time. So, I will begin again and see how this works. Thank you so much.

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