8 Diseases You Can Prevent By Being Thankful

Photo by ESB Professional From Shutterstock

6. Obesity

As we previously mentioned, being thankful can help you improve your mental health and prevent certain chronic diseases. And another disease that you can help evolve is obesity, which is probably one of the most common ones in the past few years. Did you know that there are over 1 billion obese people in the world? which is frightening!

According to various studies, people who keep focusing on reasons to be grateful every night before going to bed sleep better without interruptions. A good night’s sleep, a healthy diet, and a regular workout program are the three musketeers that help you fight against obesity. The likelihood of exercising and taking care of one’s health is higher in grateful people, which is likely to extend life expectancy.

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One Response

  1. I have experienced insomnia for many years, mainly because of stress. At some point I did write what I was grateful for and I remember it being helping. Somewhere along the line I forgot I had done that and your article reminded of that time. So, I will begin again and see how this works. Thank you so much.

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