You can learn a lot about body language by watching someone’s legs. A person’s legs are helpful indicators of what they’re feeling. You might have noticed, for instance, that when someone’s getting ready to leave, their legs go first. That can suggest that they’re in a hurry.
Or they may not care for you and want to get away from you as fast as they can. Whatever the reason might be, their legs will always give them away. Furthermore, they’ll point a foot in the direction they wish to go. The same thing can be said about arms.
When you’re out driving and see something that captures your attention, your arms will often drift in that direction, taking the steering wheel along with it. Unconsciously you feel the need to shift towards whatever that is. The same goes for the legs.
An individual’s legs will tell you more about their feelings than their words, facial expressions, or tone of voice. Why does this happen? In general, we have a better awareness of our words and can control them more.