7 Signs You Have Anger Management Issues

Photo by Billion Photos From Shutterstock

#4 You Suffer From Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anger often coexist. “Depression is anger turned inward,” as Sigmund Freud once stated.

People who are angry often self-destruct. They frequently act passive-aggressively and withdraw in order to vent their sorrow. They often arrive late, hurt others, and sabotage their own closer relationships.

Many times, they are also struggling with anxiety. Due to their anger, they are perpetually in a fight-or-flight position. They may be caught in a cycle of anxiety because of how their bodies are responding to their anger.

These folks can only express their frustration and stress through fury. Their chance of happiness is ultimately destroyed as a result of their anger.

Simply put, those who are angry suffer greatly and scare off a lot of people with their behavior.

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7 Responses

  1. I’m separating from my significant other due to anger issues. We have been together for 15 years, we own a house, we have a dog, and we have a bunch of beautiful memories, but my anger has torn us apart. I know there is nothing I can do to save this relationship, but I would like to save my life and maybe our friendship.

  2. I see a couple of items. The problem with this article is the 7 items stopped at ITEM 5.
    I do realize that number5 is a real issue with me. Thank you for a very good but incomplete synopsis.

    1. I found the others thank you for a complete synopsis. I do jump to conclusions and stay angry for extended times.

  3. Wow this article described my Grandson’s issue 100%. Just got to find someone to get him on medication or counsel him.

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