7 Signs You Have Anger Management Issues

Photo by mogilami from Shutterstock

#5 Your Anger Lasts for Too Long

When angry outbursts linger for a prolonged period of time, it is one of the obvious indicators of an anger management issue.

As an example, suppose you were upset by someone on your way to work and you were still upset at the end of the day. This difficulty in letting go of things quickly and easily is a common issue for people who are having trouble controlling their anger.

This is not only emotionally harmful, but it is also physically exhausting to keep your body in that state for the majority of the day.

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7 Responses

  1. I’m separating from my significant other due to anger issues. We have been together for 15 years, we own a house, we have a dog, and we have a bunch of beautiful memories, but my anger has torn us apart. I know there is nothing I can do to save this relationship, but I would like to save my life and maybe our friendship.

  2. I see a couple of items. The problem with this article is the 7 items stopped at ITEM 5.
    I do realize that number5 is a real issue with me. Thank you for a very good but incomplete synopsis.

    1. I found the others thank you for a complete synopsis. I do jump to conclusions and stay angry for extended times.

  3. Wow this article described my Grandson’s issue 100%. Just got to find someone to get him on medication or counsel him.

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