12 Incredible Psychology Tips to Get You Out of Sticky Situations

You Won’t Believe Some Of These Psychology Tips!

It’s already known that most of what we know about our minds was discovered in the last hundred years or so. Experts have started figuring out how our mind works and that we can control it and others with various psychological hacks.

In fact, some are so strong in controlling their mind that they may use it for self-gain or to help others in the world. While others will just try and hurt people and influence them to their own personal fancy.

And while we’re on the subject, it is said that “actions speak louder than words,” yet we don’t fully understand most people’s actions entirely.

Now while it isn’t possible to precisely decode someone’s mind, we CAN read actions to an extent that it helps you turn a situation in your favor. We’ve got 12 expert-recommended psychology tips that, if used in your daily life, can work wonders.

Some you might just get a kick out of. But each one takes seconds to implement. So just as long as you can remember them, you can change the way you see everyday life!

Psychology Tip
Photo by airdone at Shutterstock

Psychology Tip #1: The Mirror Of Trust

If you want to find a way of building people’s trust faster, we can suggest a very effective way of doing so. When you strike up a conversation with someone, try to mirror their body language. Now, obviously, don’t do it in an exceedingly obvious way.

Otherwise, it’ll probably just put them off more than anything else. But try to subtly mirror their body language. This subconsciously makes them think that you’re in sync with them, which works like a charm if you’re trying to build trust.

Psychology Tip #2: Find Your Path!

Ever wish you could just clear that entire grocery aisle? When you walk in a crowded place, just stare at the direction you want to go and watch how people will move out of the way.

In overcrowded areas, most people tend to look at people’s eyes to see which direction they’re looking, and they’ll go the other way to avoid any hassles!

Psychology Tip #3:Turn Enemies Into Friends

If you’ve been suspecting that someone may not like you, you should try asking them for a very tiny favor. Something simple like borrowing something to write with. If they happen to not like you, they’ll be inclined to say no to your favor, of course.

But, asking to borrow a writing utensil is such a meaningless favor that it’s extremely hard for someone to say no to that. After accepting to do a small favor for you, that person will eventually come to the conclusion that you’re an okay person after all.

Psychology Tip #4: Eye Contact

Keeping steady eye contact with the person, you’re having a formal conversation with is a significant gesture people commonly talk about. Yet, for explanations besides just low confidence, there are folks who don’t find it easy to keep constant eye contact.

So try this instead: The next time you’re trying to be a hit at a social gathering, be sure to take note of the eye color of the person you’re speaking with.

This strategy keeps your attention engaged and your confidence high. It simply increases your chances of getting that ball in your court.

Psychology Tip
Photo by Dean Drobot at Shutterstock

Psychology Tip #5: Stalker Alert

We hope you’re never in this situation. But this is a fantastic mind trick to try out. We’ve all noticed that yawning spreads like wildfire, right? Well, if you ever get the feeling that someone’s watching you, just yawn and watch their reaction.

If they yawn as well, that means that they really were eyeing you because yawning is contagious.

Psychology Tip #6: Eat Your Way Out Of A Fight!

Whether you’re with a large group of people or just one other person, and you feel like some sort of conflict is about to break out, do this: PIG OUT! People who are in the middle of eating usually feel relaxed in their surroundings.

We all love to eat! It’s a calming activity and will most likely help smooth out whatever conflict is about to arise. Interestingly, this trick was originally discovered after some people were arguing, and one guy stepped in between them, eating a slice of pizza!

Psychology Tip #7: Silence And Eye Contact Get The Job Done

Sometimes for whatever reason, when you ask someone a question, they seem to only answer partially. It can be very irritating. So just stay silent, keep constant eye contact with them, and watch them pour their heart out.

And if that doesn’t seem to help, raise your eyebrows. They will surrender. This also gives off the notion that you aren’t the kind of person who will simply back down.

Psychology Tip #8: The Broccoli Scheme

This is a great tip for all those parents or grandparents out there. To get your children to eat healthier options, just make the call for them and let them think they made the decision.

Want them to eat more greens? Instead of asking if they want broccoli with their dinner, ask them if they want 2 pieces of broccoli on their plate or 4. This trick makes them feel like they made the decision, not you.

It obviously works for other veggies, too…well, maybe not brussels sprouts!

Psychology Tip #9: What’s The Name Of That Song?

We’ve all been there. There’s a song stuck in your head, and it just keeps replaying inside your mind. You can’t even quite seem to remember the lyrics of it!

Of course, this leads you to waste a huge amount of time trying to recall the name of something incredibly senseless. Well, here’s the psychology trick you’ve been waiting for your entire! Think of the ENDING of that song.

The Zeignark effect states that your mind will keep thinking of things that are incomplete. So if you think of the end of the song, it will finish, and your mind will reset itself.

This will get the song out of your mind, so you can get back to focusing on something more important.

Psychology Tip #10: BFF…Or Not?

How close do YOU think you are with someone? The next time you’re surrounded by a large group of people, and someone breaks into laughter, look closely.

They will instantly turn towards the person they like the most in the group. This can easily help you identify close bonds.

Psychology Tip
Photo by pathdoc at Shutterstock

Psychology Tip #11: Reach For The Moon

At some point, we all want something from someone. When you want something, be it a specific amount of money, if you’re trying to sell something, or if you want your kids to eat more fruits, you should aim ridiculously high.

Begin by proposing an amount that’s much higher than the amount you actually want. When that person undoubtedly says no, which they probably will if you’ve given a number that’s high enough, then you can ask them for the real amount you want.

The other person will feel lousy for already refusing you and will be more likely to accept your other offer this time around.

Psychology Tip #12: Warm Touch

The first time you meet someone and go to shake their hand, try to make sure your hands are warm. Warm hands mean just that. A warm introduction and approach.

This is a trick that will make you far more special and even appealing to that person you’re meeting, no matter who they are. Colder hands tend to symbolize a poor and cold introduction. Suffer from cold hands? These nifty gloves from Amazon can help you out!

Be sure to leave us a comment to let us know how many of these psychology tips you’ve tried and how they’ve worked out for you.

And if you found this article interesting, we also recommend you read: 7 Toxic Relationship Red Flags You MUST Watch Out For




2 Responses

  1. Good article. Everyone wants to feel worthy, special and need love and acceptance. In our world it is often hard to find genuine, caring people because we are so self centered. When we do, we should take the time and effort to make them our friend. A good friend is hard to fine.

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