High Stress Levels? 8 Definite Signs Your Body Sends You

Photo by valiantsin suprunovich from Shutterstock

6. Muscular pain

Another negative effect of the stress on our bodies is muscle pain. Whenever we’re tensed, stressed, or preoccupied, our body has a defense mechanism that tightens up all the muscles. Usually, after the stress is gone, the muscles release the tension and relax themselves.

But guess what happens when you are stressed for a longer period of time? Your muscles will never have the chance to relax, and therefore, you will start experiencing body aches. Back, hip, and headache pain are all symptoms of tight muscles, and if you’re not careful, they can turn into chronic painful conditions.

What can you do to avoid getting into this situation? Try to relax as much as possible on your own, and if you can’t do that without professional help, you might consider talking to a therapist about your issues.

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